Ross already gets clowned for pretending to be something he isn't. He was from a middle class family, had a football scholarship, grew up in a nice area and wore a badge to work. He's basically Iggy Azeilia with a beard and bigger titties.
horrible comparison.
and what do you mean by "nice area"? just curious.
This is true...but let's not pretend like hip hop hasn't been like this for YEARS before Iggy came around.
i think you have me confused with somebody else.
ive been calling out these sellouts on here for years now.
im not pretending chit. i was riding with benzino.
She ain't hiphop though. Ppl need to realize that she's a pop artist that raps.
That's it
Her fans are pop fans, her radio play is pop, her touring is pop.
I mean she's going on tour with a fukking Jonas brother for fukks sake
yall need to stop with this narrative.
ppl will realize that shes a pop artist AFTER she and her handlers stop pushing her as such.
her music is pushed towards urban radio/television and she is nominated & performs on urban award shows.
she even took a picture with macklemore, referring tp them as the queen & king of hip-hop.

Tip isn't caping out of anything except the fact that her failure fukks with his money.
Was tip out caping for Macklemore? Or any other white artists before? Naw
But he's doing this for her cuz that's his money now
is that supposed to make us feel better?
in other words, hes selling out for a buck..........WHICH IS COOONING.
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