This album got played in the hood
Some of yall trying to change history.
I'm not even going to be a hater i will listen to this album on youtube objectively right now.
R.I.P to MCA
This album got played in the hood
Some of yall trying to change history.
I'm not understanding how cultural appropriation and white privilege isn't garbage. If cultural approapriation is the stealing of a culture and white privilege is whites being advantaged because of skin color how is it not garbage.
Eminem never destroyed anyone in his life....
He was a white boy who wore du-rags that wanted to be black.
Third Base.
Third Base, House of Pain and Cypress were who nikkas fukked with.... as I remember it.
The white kids and the mainstream listened to Beastie Boys, held em up as the end all be all of white participation in rap.
Wonder why?
Not to say nikkas didn't listen to Beastie Boys. Nikkas did. But they weren't the end all be all.
Choosing a side in this one is hard. Banks makes better music, they both corny, iggy finer
She also tweeted that she wanted to fukk Darren Wilson after the No Indictment announcement.
Better to be criticized for doing something than to be criticized for doing nothing
see this is the issue with culture thieves.
it is all political and not what a real change of heart culture thief politician.
who we are supposed to believe has made headway to this plateau of change.
where, we now are supposed to believe in the public demonstration of support/rally cry.
when, it is for an narcissistic and oppurtunistic moment to falsely/erroneously sway a crowd.
which is for this cultural perception and benefit and not in exact good faith.
this is little more than what if marrion berry cluck face dead politican ass was caught for crack.
saying he would not be a dope head publically anymore.
when, history says barry will remain a crack head and a functioning dopehead politician.
[before, berry passed....]
it is only a ploy and both azaleia's are culture thieves.
looking to use numerous narcissistic ploys to try to garner higher sales/marketing/pr permeation.
so, why even think for a second they are genuine and made in good faith.
they just want to use this issue.
to try to falsely claim some show of cultural responsibility.
then, use the show of pr concern for a mark on their culture card.
to try to falsely pander to the underground and culture of hiphop erroneously.
don't fall for this numerous/mulitple lack of good faith show of concern to falsely pander to the culture.
don't believe these sellouts and culture thieves.
they are the reason why things in the last few years.
have resulted in the near destruction of the last active and profitable.
pillar/business model of the culture to be near extinction.
don't fall for the okie doke.
this is hiphop.
all these types of people have been outlawed.
limit them to where they are supposed to be effectively and stop giving them power.
art barr