Crayola Coyote
Any woman can make money selling their a$$hole. 

But then they just justify it to themselves that most marriages don't last. 50/50.There are hoes still looking for someone to marry them. A lot of times when these harcore porn stars marry, the marriage never lasts.
Hoe look like Bruce Willis wit a wig on...
If she eating....
Sky must be the limit for some a these hoes.
She need to find some shoes that fit. Toes hanging over the edge of her shoes like she trying to pickup quarters with her toes.
But then they just justify it to themselves that most marriages don't last. 50/50.
The way society is set up these days, there is little incentive to being a traditional "good" girl to these chicks. I've seen "good" women get dogged out, cheated on, beaten and divorced daily.
If she didn't care she would have said that she is a prostitute not a IG Model. Because when she gets older, she wants to settle down and she knows that owning up to being a hoe will give her a bad rep and no one will wife her.