Man imma HIGH Yella nikka And that ALone has pulled me so many bytches But ALso Strayed alotta hoes off cause they figure imma cocky arrogant nikka before they even talk to me and they right ...#3hunna
Ya'll need to get your lies straight. It's either light skin dudes are played out or light skin dudes get all of the women. If people are gonna be ignorant at least make up your mind and go hard with it. It's a shame people have to lie to themselves to keep their self esteem intact.
There are some ugly light skin muh fukkas out here too don't get it twisted.
threadstarter still green
MOST women think lightskin dudes aren't as tough/masculine as the darker brehs
All white school from preK to 8grade.
Hidden animosity towards blacks from years of being teased
Fixed. Dark skin coalition stand the fukk up!!!!