If your girl keeps a dirty crib....come check in


Dec 2, 2015
Is that a basement?

I don’t understand how people could live in such filth? Smh…

Jesus Is Lord

Give Thanks, Repent, and Forgive
Apr 30, 2012
:scust:How can they not be cognizant of their surroundings??? Speaks volumes of what they actually focus on. Basically means they spray perfume or rub body lotion on their vaginas and butt holes instead of washing them. :scust:

I remember back in about ‘97 I blazed a slim 6’1 chick from East New York, cute and everything, even wore Cinnamon Timbs:mjlol:, anyway. Went to her crib and soon as I walked in, there was literally garbage to greet me like :mjgrin: I automatically hit the:ohhh: as I panned the kitchen, then I see a burly old head with a big mustache that was twisted on the ends like Rollie Fingers, and a turban, who turned out to be her pops, sitting at the kitchen table, he was a Sikh. I :dwillhuh: because I never saw a live Sikh in the hood. He stood up to shake my hand and he was tall like me, but he had a hand full of silver nugget rings. :smugdraper:
Anyway, I automatically wished that someone would beep me so that I can leave, my dirty chick senses kicked in quick, but it was too late because she led me to her bedroom. When I arrived in her room I couldn’t believe all of the clothes and junk I saw :mjtf: I asked her who else lives here? She said her 2 kids, so I asked why is her room so junky, she hit me with the :manny: and turned on the 19 inch TV, the Richard Bey show was on. So she threw all the clothes off her full size bed on the floor and told me to get on her bed so she can give me “dome”, and I did. Surprisingly her room wasn’t stink, it smelled like the Indian head incense. She slipped off her Timbs and threw them in the corner next to a black cat who was on a pile of clothes like:hamster: the niqqa didn’t even budge upon impact of the big Timbs. . Long story short, I hit and the sex was :gladbron: and :wow:. So after we were done, I felt dirty, and along with the post nut clarity, I need to clean up a bit. I was scared to see the bathroom. That joint was HORRIBLE:damn: clogged toilet, bone dry wash clothes, the sink was horrid! I needed to get rid of the condom that I had on but there was nowhere to put it, so kept it on until I sat on her front porch and smoked some loosies, I snatched it off and threw it in the bushes :yeshrug: She came back outside with her Timbs on and asked if wanted to leave, then her pops came behind her and asked for a light for his cigarette :pachaha:

Bottom line, she was cute and her body wasn’t stink, but she was a bum ass chick who lived in bum ass dirty hamster cage. And her Timbs were big but pristine. I hit 2 more times, but not at her crib:ufdup:
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