yes i would
His crime is on video and the victim is going to testify so more than likely he's about to be bunkees with Tory
Rocky must've hired Breh & Breh Associates to represent him because according to the State of California a starter pistols meets the legal definition of a firearm.
A “firearm” includes:
Cal. Penal Code § 29800 (West)
- Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will, is designed to, or can be converted to eject a bullet by the action of an explosive
- The frame or receiver of any such weapon
- Any firearm muffler or firearm silencer
- Any destructive device
Weapons Laws in California | McGregor Law Corp.
dude would have had to do like four months
It's not even worth the anxiety of a trial and having ya life in the hands of them white folks
He is an idiot, just do the four months in jail
If I was innocent, no.