You posted the article stating they were close to a coronavirus vaccine yet the article clearly says not only were they not close but the research they had wasn’t even safe on animals let alone humans. You actually proved my point of why people should be cautious. Vaccines can be recalled simply due to an error in the manufacturing process. The Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine was recalled due to this issue. Vaccines contain metals such as aluminum and mercury which if not manufactured properly can seriously harm or even kill you. When you’re rushing the process obviously mistakes will happen.
The COVID vaccine being expedited is a fact that’s not up for debate. Here’s an NIH article
Expedited COVID-19 vaccine trials: a rat-race with challenges and ethical issues
Compressed Timelines: the standard vaccine development cycle, including research & development (phase I to IV of clinical trials), manufacturing, approvals, licensing, distribution and deployment take several years. But the COVID-19 pandemic storm has compressed the timelines of coronavirus vaccine development to a few months. There are several obstacles to meet these shortened deadlines: geopolitical issues, international politics and competitions, social distancing and guidelines mandating closedown of laboratories across globe, optimum manufacturing of billions of doses and licensing, and quick global distribution of vaccines. The major threat to the compressed timeline is curtailment and compromise in different steps of research and development.