I had no feeling toward Bill Cosby before this because I never watched his show, and I had a father at home, so I didn't need to pretend he was my dad.
The evidence against him (corroboration from over witnesses and victims) is rock solid.
The only argument he has is that "its a conspiracy because he's a Black man" which isn't much of an argument.
Bill Cosby is a serial rapist
I can focus on myself and still point out a serial rapist when I hear the testimony of his 50 victims
And by rape you mean Bill Cosby repeatedly had sex with women who were unable to consent due to the fact they were inebriated at the time although some chose to take the drugs voluntarily.
Just want to clarify the way rape is being used in this instance because the term implies to many physically forced intercourse and not lack of consent due to agreed upon drug use.
Now are there cases of women who Cosby slipped a mickey on? Yes.
Here's a good example:
I don't think the women Gloria Allred is posting up, the ones listed at the beginning of this thread, were forced to sleep with Cosby especially since they admitted to continuing to see Cosby after.
Allred is going after expanding consent laws. This is why she's doing what she's doing.
'Yes means yes' consent bill passes Senate