Cat piss martini
enjoy that ass cancer.
Low operating costs.... no deli, no bakery, small footprint, like 3 people working the store at one time, all private brands so they don't have to negotiate or deal with brand bullshytthen why is it so cheap?
the closest one is in fukking palmdale
I despise the whole Palmdale/Lancaster area...
Costco I think is still good if you want to buy large quantities of food. I think you should stop in and see how you like you it. They have some name branded stuff but most of it is offbranded but do not let that deter you from trying it out.Is this better than Costco?
I miss fresh and easyIs aldi like the fresh and easy craze a few years back?
They built one down the street from me but I've never been there. I should check them out sometime. Can I just not use a bag if i buy something? I see they don't have much brand stuff. I'll have to check out their brand to see if anything worthwhile.