the uni-verse speaks through hood grizzled og's just as much as tis speaks through the old wise grizzled monk/sensei/ residing on the peaks of mountains...
you should generally surround yourself with a council of OG's who tell the grimy ugly truth and actually wanna steer ya'll lil generation (whin)Y muhfukkas who eat too much soy,watch too much powwn,and play on your fidduckin cell phones and let the magetic waves pull your sperm to the bottom of your baby makkers(pawwse where applicable)and then when you finally get your shyt working semi functionally you wonder why you produce more ham&egger 85%ers who chase cool&ironic instead of chasing the stars and dream scapes..
if you blessed enough to have a nana/grandpops/uncle older relative or mentor hug them and tell them how much you appreciate their very presence&wise advice rather then cheap talking/complimenting fukkin mud duck/ostrich ass hoes on snapchat just to splash in some loosey goosey cause its easy you douchey dimwit..
or don't and suffer the con-sequences