First of all ... Not knowing the difference between monkeys and apes is a huge spotlight on intelligence
The animal kingdom is part of the planet's nature
Humans are a part of pf the animal kingdom ... Not separated from it, not devoid of it. It's not that humans are too dumb to understand it but they often think too close to the surface level to ever realize this awareness
All animals have DNA. Y'all were all made on the same coding essentially - and please, start bringing some level of your own awareness to these realities as I go over them with you
You and a dog both have two eyes . 1 nose comprised of 2 nostrils and a nasal passage, you have a mouth with teeth, a tongue, a set of lungs, kidneys, liver ... Heart and Brain
Humans are not canids like dogs are
So what category of the animal kingdom do humans belong too?
These basic obviousnesses are often overlook by religious folk who can't even begin to fathom a basis for reality that isn't in their book (which they don't read, they just have the book)
Humans are from ape family - Humans are among the 4 Great Apes - Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Orangutans, Humans
We share a percentage of DNA with them that is over 98 percent
A human can receive a blood transfusion from a chimp
But remember that 98 percent DNA figure ...well guess what .... The amount of DNA we share with dogs isn't much lower