"If the dominant society were to disappear tomorrow, 90% of black people would die"

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
I think rural AAs would fare better than the rest of us
Yep.. My grandfather and Uncles hunt and fish. My father n law can build a house from the ground up...My mother n law has her own vegetable garden in the 9th Ward...

Older Blacks and rural Blacks will be straight.. It's the young city types that don't know how to do an oil change or replace a blown out tire that will be hurtin...But they will eventually be able to adapt in time..

All the worlds resources would be returned to us.. It would be impossible to fail...


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012

What I said wasn't self hating at all. I want Black people to be more self reliant like other groups are, so we have more power. You can't have power by being totally reliant on another group. There's a reason why Jews and Asians aren't being fukked with by the police like Black people are, and white people hate Jews. Make no mistake about it, many white people despise Jews...yet they don't fukk with Jews like they do Black people.

I want blacks to support each other to the point where we have economic power that rivals everyone else. Black people spend billions of dollars in this country every year, and 98% of it goes back into NON BLACK pockets....

I read an article one time, about the length of time a dollar stays in a community...and the dollar stayed the longest in Asian, Jew, white communities...and right at the bottom, the dollar stayed the least amount of time in black communities...you see my fukkin point? All this "we are the world, we is all the same" bullshyt that nikkas like you want to tout is misleading and a bad idea.

Every other ethnic group builds itself up and supports each other more than we do, I want us to do that same shyt...i'm not concerned with impressing or proving myself to whites(unlike you).

I dont think that you and Tariq understand what "self reliant" means. If you have to rely on millions of whites, blacks, asians, ect to maintain your existence then you're not "self reliant".

Im just always floored how "pro-black" you militants always claim to be, and yet you so effortlessly run to white supremacist constructions about black inferiority and the superiority of others.

For starters imagining up these weird, post-apocalyptic scenarios where America breaks down and becomes this prison yard, race war environment is a very neo-nazi type pastime. And just like them, you and Tariq feel like Blacks would be too mentally and culturally inferior to make it and we'd all die. Jesus.

Other groups have better outcomes because they immigrated here willingly and werent brought here to serve as property, and then slammed into Jim Crow hell and redlined and discriminated against to death. Asians arent endowed with the "group economics" gene that somehow missed being encoded in blacks. Asians often have language barriers and difficulties which tie them to their neighborhoods.

Asian cuisine is a draw, and authentic Asian items are something you can only get from their neighborhoods and shops. Asians have matriculated into emerging technology fields (individual effort). They generally fly under the radar; are smallish in stature on average (they dont raise the feelings of physical inferiority that blacks often do); and even with all this Asians still have a much higher poverty rate than whites, and date and marry whites at much higher rates than blacks. Is marrying whites in the Asian handbook that all Asians follow to the letter?

Blacks are survivors and have made it with next to no resources available --- individually and in a group sense. Putting other "groups" on a pedestal is bad business for your mental mental health. Do better.


Jun 12, 2015
First thing that came to mind was :eat:...not that I would die along with 90% other black folks.

I can't farm, build a house, or run a town...but why we acting all white people can. :smh:

This is why I can't listen to any of these YouTube/pay-for-play activists like Dr. Boykins, Tariq, or Umar Johnson...I learned way more from educated pan-Africans like Henrick Clarke and Dr. Ben so you hustling backwards listening to Tariq and his kind.

I consider these guys the y2k Rev. Al Sharpton. From what I remember Tariq used to sell Pick Up Artist (PUA) books.

Prince Akeem

Its not that deep breh....
May 4, 2012
Im just always floored how "pro-black" you militants always claim to be, and yet you so effortlessly run to white supremacist constructions about black inferiority and the superiority of others.

Their brand of pro blackness is a joke. The way dudes on here romanticize Asians and Indians make me want to barf.


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
That's why guys like Tariq you have to just listen to and not blindly follow, at some point they all say something that'll make you go:what: . I hate how he say y'all when talking about black folks, it's like he's separating himself from us as if he's better. Corey Holcomb is hilarious but he also got taken by Tommy Sotomayor and he's embarrassed by it, the only reason he let him on the show was because they share the same dumb views about black women.


The Working Class Hero
Nov 30, 2014
Somewhere in Chicago
Their brand of pro blackness is a joke. The way dudes on here romanticize Asians and Indians make me want to barf.

That romanticism purely comes from ignorance because I can assure you most first generation Asians ain't trying to run the family nail salon or dry cleaners.

Same business mind you, that'll eventually just get bought out by Chinese and probably liquidate it under a year.

Edit: To further add on, owning businesses lile those are actually looked down upon in various Asian communities because of it's association with immigration and "FOB" culture.

Thankfully black people would be for the most part:camby: to that kind of warped mentality.


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
I dont think that you and Tariq understand what "self reliant" means. If you have to rely on millions of whites, blacks, asians, ect to maintain your existence then you're not "self reliant".

Im just always floored how "pro-black" you militants always claim to be, and yet you so effortlessly run to white supremacist constructions about black inferiority and the superiority of others.

For starters imagining up these weird, post-apocalyptic scenarios where America breaks down and becomes this prison yard, race war environment is a very neo-nazi type pastime. And just like them, you and Tariq feel like Blacks would be too mentally and culturally inferior to make it and we'd all die. Jesus.

Other groups have better outcomes because they immigrated here willingly and werent brought here to serve as property, and then slammed into Jim Crow hell and redlined and discriminated against to death. Asians arent endowed with the "group economics" gene that somehow missed being encoded in blacks. Asians often have language barriers and difficulties which tie them to their neighborhoods.

Asian cuisine is a draw, and authentic Asian items are something you can only get from their neighborhoods and shops. Asians have matriculated into emerging technology fields (individual effort). They generally fly under the radar; are smallish in stature on average (they dont raise the feelings of physical inferiority that blacks often do); and even with all this Asians still have a much higher poverty rate than whites, and date and marry whites at much higher rates than blacks. Is marrying whites in the Asian handbook that all Asians follow to the letter?

Blacks are survivors and have made it with next to no resources available --- individually and in a group sense. Putting other "groups" on a pedestal is bad business for your mental mental health. Do better.
Preach, brother. :mjcry:

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Barely, most illness is preventable. Americans just eat like shyt with black folks eating the worse hands down. Probably the worst in the entire world and human history. And hospitals kill people like nobody's business. Black folks die from preventable shyt by the scores. It's real sad. I'd say the only good is some of the cancer stuff and surgery. Other then that it's mostly horse shyt medicines that a proper diet would fix. They got vendors sweet talking doctors and buying people at the hospital lunches trying to push their dope. The pharmaceutical industry is probably one of the most evil shyt ever. Pure evil man.
Harvard and John Hopkins and all these medical schools they marvel about were absolute garbage. Medical students with a year of training ended up buying sick slaves off owners in order to do surgeries and discover vaccines and shyt. Research and modern medicine is nonsense.