One things for certain to things for sure if Pac wuz still alive I see him havin a relationship wit Jay....Pac would be Martin and Jay would be Varnell Hill....Pac would respect Jay but just try to convince him "you need to get a few sistahs up in there bruh
"....he would be tryna get Jay to fit the bill for community centers across the country and feed these babies....Jay would tell em "no problem Pac,just tell me when u wanna sit down id love to be involved
"...Pac not knowing that's industry talk for have your people call my people would show up to Hovs office next day ready to talk about it and get the check.....after bein told Jay can't see him today
....Pac would assume Jay must not know its him downstairs and walk into Hovs office unnanounced....Instead of gettin love he gets a "you've been nuthing but a THORN in my side
"...after a brief altercation Jay learns the true meaning of thug life and being the real nikka he is writes a check for 100million dollars
...Pac gets Solange pregnant and him and Jay put a album out called "brothers for real" which is a classic..the end