Norrin Radd
To me, my board!
Video game movie curse will consume this. Unless they go tongue-in-cheek with it like 21 Jump Street did.
Cena just doesn't have that same universial appeal. There's a reason his WWE fanbase was comprised mostly of kids. It doesn't help that his type - white, blonde, muscular nice guy - is a dime a dozen in Hollywood.I think it will flop. Cena is missing something that's not helping him transition well out of wrestling like The Rock and Stone Cold. Even Hulk is only known for wrestling.
he should be aiming squarely at kids movies and the like. That's his lane.
The rock did Doom which is a guilty pleasure of mineI thought the rock already did this franchise.
Art Barr
I BECAME KIND OF WACK, BROTHER!Whatever happened to the Hollywood Hogan alias?