Real N Quotes
East Is In The House OMG
c00n: The Story of My Life by Corey Holcomb 

cory has made fun of everyone and everything though.If your comedy consists of just shytting on women (black women especially) then you are not witty or intelligent enough to call yourself a comedian. You are simply a hater.
If you think it is ok to shyt on Jamelle because "she talks about celebrities all the time" something is clearly wrong with your logic and moral compass.
"Homegirl got stabbed 5 times by some girl. She talks about knives all the time so she deserved it. "
"Dude got shot 5 times and was killed but ain't no body saying nothing. He was arrested 2 times before for drug possession so he deserved it."
nikka clowned bad broads before as well. What are you talking about?The "a woman is worth anything if she is beautiful and nothing when she is not" is a pervasive and pernicious attitude to have.
Exactly. Jemele is one of the few real sistahs left on television. Of all the c00ns this fat piece of shyt Corey should have insulted, this piece of shyt decides to insult Jemele.Defend a c00n disrespecting a black woman that routinely gets scorn from cacs for defending nikkas,brehs. If Jemele was just another c00n she'd be beloved by cacs everywhere, just like every sports nation c00n is. But because she isn't a c00n, she's hated by c00ns and cacs alike.
exactly.. they should read the rest of his twitter timeline.. he's said way worsecory has made fun of everyone and everything though.
well saidTwitter ain't the barbershop bruh. Some jokes need to be kept just to us. This is one of them.
Black folk putting other black folk on blast in front of white folks is never funny. Got too many black comedians doing that shyt. There's a reason Chris Rock regrets his "nikkas vs Black ppl" routine. Free pass for white people to go hulk mode in their attacks and let their nuts hang . "Corey said it too. Chris said it
. Cosby said it
. I'm not racist
repExactly. Jemele is one of the few real sistahs left on television. Of all the c00ns this fat piece of shyt Corey should have insulted, this piece of shyt decides to insult Jemele.
fukk him and his momma.
google is your friend.Who is Corey Holcombe? Who is Hill? Who is Nic?
damn just realized we all on the internet too........she on tv....where cory at?
oh on that "radio" show....
on the internet?
it's important that people know that they will not eat off of defaming black people who are good to, or represent well, the black communityI think Corey was joking. I just don't like the joke. Jemelle goes hard.