I've seen plenty of black women who have naturally straight/afro/curly hair. A black man preferring straight hair doesnt necessarily make him a c00n or traitor.
And just because he prefers a fro or dreads doesnt make him "blacker" than the next man either.
The woman with the straight hair could very well from an African country while having a family tree that dates back generations. She could have real knowledge on her peoples(not that shyt they fed you in history class), whereas the girl with the fro or dreads could be frontin, trying to look the part, while not really caring about her roots (dont ask me how)
We are a very diverse people in looks, history, and culture... Just so happens not a lot of people seem to believe this, or care
yes we are a diverse people, and yes some of our people do have naturally straight hair, but the majority of us, do not... nor did our ancestors
the point of this thread is to promote a love of naturalism as opposose to hair that has been transformed from our original texture, to the texture of the originally/naturally straight haired races.
I have obviously struck a chord with a lot of the brothas in here who want to take no responsibility in the role of our women trying to look like someone who they aren't, but regardless, the truth is, if we didn't accept that from our women, some may continue down that path, but the majority would do what the men of their race find acceptable/desirable.
Like one poster mentioned above, in an attempt to contradict my thesis, us men of this generation have grown up seeing straightened hair and weave, and that's what we have become attracted to. But it's our responsibility to break away from that tainted lust, and turn back to what we are suppose to truly love...which is natural beauty from our women. No chemicals, no synthetics, nothing... but the true essence and beauty of our black women.
But as you see, society's manipulation on our minds has worked so well, in favor of the devil's plan, that afro's dread locks, and other natural hair styles that we once sported proudly, have become a symbol of mockery and derision amongst black men. Even the idea of a natural sister, turns many black men away.
It has become ugly, unbecoming, uncouth, uncivilized... basically everything except beautiful. But to the enlightened mind, a sista who wears her hair naturally is a step ahead of all sistas still in the dark, pouring acid on their scalp to "relax"/destroy what has been given to them by their Creator.