Created us, why are our bodies so god damn inefficient...?
1) We don't use our brains efficiently...
2) Oxygen only makes up 21% of the atmosphere, and we only need Oxygen for the final phase of cellular respiration, so why didn't this Supreme Being create a back up that allows us to use other gases during times when we are oxygen deprived...?
Why can't we use Nitrogen like some bacteria do...?
3) Why aren't we solar powered during the day, and then revert to regular cellular respiration at night...? Look at plants, they can grow HUGE and live for 100's of years, when there is no human interference...
Evolution makes sense when you think about how inefficient the human system is relative to certain species, and the conditions that exist on planet Earth....
As God's ultimate creation, you would think It would have made us the most efficient, and most likely to survive in case of a catastrophe...