ok had to do some editing kuz it was all bunched up makin me squint for nothing
1.) are we really going to use IQ tests to gauge though? im sure you know the origins of SAT's/IQ tests is racists scientist eugenics, even if they werent what do they even measure that cant be improved anyway through study and repitition? i thought the 50% of brain usage thing was a myth debunked not to long ago, since each a every part of the brain has a specific usage and function for things you dont have "concious control" over, like moving your fingers for example vs making your heart beat and making your blood cells carry oxygen to the organs that need it the most without a second thought. you make bad decisions based on emotions in certain situations that call for more purely logical thought processing, however emotion is something that can be linked to human intution, a pure feeling of "knowing without knowing" supposedly, some scientific studies have theorized that its actually a subconcious reminder of sorts or innate natural instinct for humans to let us know when to fight or flee or investigate something that doesnt quite sit right with us without immediate empirical evidence based on past experience tied into our psyche. the fact that a majority of the people of earth are poor if you ask me is because the actual people who arent progressive are currently in control...that doesnt mean a majority of us dont use our brain correctly, infact it means the smallest percentage of us are defective in the terms you debate with. communism....are we really pushing which isms should be prevelant as a reason why brains are flawed lol? thats 100% your opinion no offense
2.) you think we need to not breathe to give us the best life but have you ever thought maybe our purpose isnt to immediately be trying to float around in space? maybe we should solve the problem of why greedy people are keeping people poor and misusing the earth and its resources first before we go trying to ruin other planets with filth and destruction, besides if you follow any space science media you would know most planets are uninhabitable for humans anyway...waste of time just floating around in a deadly vacuum unprotected by the earths seemingly supernatural aura that protects us from death constantly. if you want to know more of what god was thinking for us in what will be our primes read revelations
3.) thank god for making us able to survive without having to deal with the hassle of requiring strictly nitrogen and large corporations hogging up all the nitrogen, or worse using it all up and we die out prematurely as a creation.
4.) dont we get vitamins from the suns rays? even though we dont strictly live off just those vitamins i guess that is irrelevant since, according to science, we would die from being on an uninhabitable planet right along with the plants just the same not some they die then slowly we die type of situation, more immediate; a direct effect of no sunlight. the only reason people are starving is because defective humans are being greedy not because we cant put sun in our stomach and digest it.
5.) hmm i disagree, the reason humans are dying of early age in these times is because we kill ourselves inhaling, eating and drinking poison, even injecting it readily claiming it to be a vaccination even if it sets us back in the long run and dont forget killing eachother over any little thing. there are more bugs and plants because they take up less space than humans and die a whole lot faster period. you know how many generations of flies can be born within one human year for a baby lol, a whole lot friend. the key to better health is better health choices wether it be our mode of transportation or the chemicals we use to bathe with you have to make change. also if you read the bible the first reason we are dying at all and earlier and earlier is because of us giving into temptation, take that how you want it or receive it
6.) if you're going to question why we arent perfect right now you're going to have to read the bible more, even though i answered you in very simple view im sure you want to know more or i guess you do. we are effecient though because if we werent we wouldnt have survived this long we would already all be dead. the fact that we have even a stitch of power enough to be able to cause catastrophe is proof we have the power to do extreme good as well. again you should read revelation and there is no solid proof humans on a macro or micro level are evolving into another creature or evolved from chimps or apes so im just going to disagree with you there. id even go as far as to say there is no proof animals evolve into other different animls either just different varieties of what was already around..example wild dog changed into domesticated dog....not wild dog changed into seal or theories that support things like that...totally different subject though lets not get into that, atleast not in this thread