Jul 6, 2012
Created us, why are our bodies so god damn inefficient...?

1) We don't use our brains efficiently...

2) Oxygen only makes up 21% of the atmosphere, and we only need Oxygen for the final phase of cellular respiration, so why didn't this Supreme Being create a back up that allows us to use other gases during times when we are oxygen deprived...?

Why can't we use Nitrogen like some bacteria do...?

3) Why aren't we solar powered during the day, and then revert to regular cellular respiration at night...? Look at plants, they can grow HUGE and live for 100's of years, when there is no human interference...

Evolution makes sense when you think about how inefficient the human system is relative to certain species, and the conditions that exist on planet Earth....

As God's ultimate creation, you would think It would have made us the most efficient, and most likely to survive in case of a catastrophe...

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
same reason he had to rest on the 7th day,
why he's prone to petty inferior emotional responses and feelings
and why he knows everything but gets upset and disappointed for choosing "wrongly" with the gift of free will.

Omnipotence is overrated.


May 12, 2012
the evils of truth, and love
Created us, why are our bodies so god damn inefficient...?

1) We don't use our brains efficiently...

2) Oxygen only makes up 21% of the atmosphere, and we only need Oxygen for the final phase of cellular respiration, so why didn't this Supreme Being create a back up that allows us to use other gases during times when we are oxygen deprived...?

Why can't we use Nitrogen like some bacteria do...?

3) Why aren't we solar powered during the day, and then revert to regular cellular respiration at night...? Look at plants, they can grow HUGE and live for 100's of years, when there is no human interference...

Evolution makes sense when you think about how inefficient the human system is relative to certain species, and the conditions that exist on planet Earth....

As God's ultimate creation, you would think It would have made us the most efficient, and most likely to survive in case of a catastrophe...

we dont use our brains efficiently according to what?

when where and why are we ever going to be deprived of oxygen for this to matter?

what do bacteria do with nitrogen that makes you envy them?

humans are solar powered...without the sun we would surely die

why are you comparing yourself to flowers and microscopic germs?

we are very efficient, and what catastrophe would happen now that isnt an byproduct of our wrong doings?
Jul 6, 2012
we dont use our brains efficiently according to what?
1) The average IQ is only 100, but we are capable of achieving more, evidenced by people who have IQs >100...I know the IQ test has some limitations...
2) Certain parts of our brains don't "light up" when scientists do tests you to see sugar utilization during various activities...I am not well versed in neuroscience, but I believe the experts when they say we are not using our brains at even 50% capacity...
3) Emotions are useless...We make more bad decisions based on our emotions than good decisions...
4)The fact that the majority of people on Earth are poor, when there is an abundance of resources is a sign of how inefficient we are at distributing resources, and that's a function of the brain...
5) The fact that true communism is impossible to achieve is another result of our inefficient brains...

when where and why are we ever going to be deprived of oxygen for this to matter?
Having the ability to function without oxygen will makes more equipped for survival on a universal scale...The Earth is just a grain of sand in the grand scheme of the universe...

Our inability to go without oxygen for even 10 minutes is a contributing factor to why we are still stuck here on Earth, and we are unable to extensively explore other planets...

Why are there other planets...? What was this genius God thinking...? We need to know...

what do bacteria do with nitrogen that makes you envy them?
Nitrogen fixation is a life and death issue...Without usable nitrogen, we have no DNA, RNA, protein and essentially NO human life...With the abundance of nitrogen in the atmosphere, I wonder why we don't have a biochemical pathway to fix nitrogen...

humans are solar powered...without the sun we would surely die
We are NOT solar powered...Being "powered" by something means that you can use that source to metabolise energy...Without the sun we would die "indirectly" because the plants wont be able to produce the energy that keeps our ecosystems going...

Plants can "directly" use the sun to create energy...We can't do that...Considering how readily available the sun is, I am surprised that we don't have that ability...There will be less starvation if we were able to do this...

why are you comparing yourself to flowers and microscopic germs?
The fact that plants, germs, insects and other non-mammal species are so abundant on Earth tells me they are "built" better than us to survive on this Earth...Especially plants, some trees can live for 1000 years and still be relatively healthy...We can't even make it to 65 without chronic health issues...

So, the key to better health must be somewhere in a non-human genome...

we are very efficient, and what catastrophe would happen now that isn't an by-product of our wrong doings?
We are not efficient, if we were, then we would not be so worried about the environment and the "future"...The fact that the "by-product" of our own actions have the potential to doom us, is evidence of our inefficiency...

Which comes back to us not using our brains effectively...We are a work in progress...But how can we be, if an all knowing God created us...?

We humans invent prototypes because we have limitations, but how can we be a prototype, when we were invented by a Being who has ALL the knowledge...?

It makes no sense...Evolution should NOT be possible, if a perfect Being created us...

Black Hans

Follow Jesus. Be Beautiful
May 8, 2012
John 14:6
Evolutionists think things are going from the bottom to the top. That things are evolving to a better state. Creationists (let's be real: you're taking a shot at Christians :comeon:) say that things are going from the top to the bottom. That things are descending to a worst state. Carbon copies aren't better than the original.


May 12, 2012
the evils of truth, and love
1.)We dont use our brains efficiently according to what?

2.)When where and why are we ever going to be deprived of oxygen for this to matter?

3.)What do bacteria do with nitrogen that makes you envy them?

4.)Humans are solar powered...without the sun we would surely die

5.)Why are you comparing yourself to flowers and microscopic germs?

6.)We are very efficient, and what catastrophe would happen now that isnt an byproduct of our wrong doings?

1.)The average IQ is only 100, but we are capable of achieving more, evidenced by people who have IQs >100...I know the IQ test has some limitations...

Certain parts of our brains don't "light up" when scientists do tests you to see sugar utilization during various activities...I am not well versed in neuroscience, but I believe the experts when they say we are not using our brains at even 50% capacity...

Emotions are useless...We make more bad decisions based on our emotions than good decisions...

The fact that the majority of people on Earth are poor, when there is an abundance of resources is a sign of how inefficient we are at distributing resources, and that's a function of the brain...

The fact that true communism is impossible to achieve is another result of our inefficient brains...

2.)Having the ability to function without oxygen will makes more equipped for survival on a universal scale...The Earth is just a grain of sand in the grand scheme of the universe...

Our inability to go without oxygen for even 10 minutes is a contributing factor to why we are still stuck here on Earth, and we are unable to extensively explore other planets...

Why are there other planets...? What was this genius God thinking...? We need to know...

3.)Nitrogen fixation is a life and death issue...Without usable nitrogen, we have no DNA, RNA, protein and essentially NO human life...With the abundance of nitrogen in the atmosphere, I wonder why we don't have a biochemical pathway to fix nitrogen...

4.)We are NOT solar powered...Being "powered" by something means that you can use that source to metabolise energy...Without the sun we would die "indirectly" because the plants wont be able to produce the energy that keeps our ecosystems going...

Plants can "directly" use the sun to create energy...We can't do that...Considering how readily available the sun is, I am surprised that we don't have that ability...There will be less starvation if we were able to do this...

5.)The fact that plants, germs, insects and other non-mammal species are so abundant on Earth tells me they are "built" better than us to survive on this Earth...Especially plants, some trees can live for 1000 years and still be relatively healthy...We can't even make it to 65 without chronic health issues...

So, the key to better health must be somewhere in a non-human genome...

6.)We are not efficient, if we were, then we would not be so worried about the environment and the "future"...The fact that the "by-product" of our own actions have the potential to doom us, is evidence of our inefficiency...

Which comes back to us not using our brains effectively...We are a work in progress...But how can we be, if an all knowing God created us...?

We humans invent prototypes because we have limitations, but how can we be a prototype, when we were invented by a Being who has ALL the knowledge...?

It makes no sense...Evolution should NOT be possible, if a perfect Being created us...

ok had to do some editing kuz it was all bunched up makin me squint for nothing :leostare:

1.) are we really going to use IQ tests to gauge though? im sure you know the origins of SAT's/IQ tests is racists scientist eugenics, even if they werent what do they even measure that cant be improved anyway through study and repitition? i thought the 50% of brain usage thing was a myth debunked not to long ago, since each a every part of the brain has a specific usage and function for things you dont have "concious control" over, like moving your fingers for example vs making your heart beat and making your blood cells carry oxygen to the organs that need it the most without a second thought. you make bad decisions based on emotions in certain situations that call for more purely logical thought processing, however emotion is something that can be linked to human intution, a pure feeling of "knowing without knowing" supposedly, some scientific studies have theorized that its actually a subconcious reminder of sorts or innate natural instinct for humans to let us know when to fight or flee or investigate something that doesnt quite sit right with us without immediate empirical evidence based on past experience tied into our psyche. the fact that a majority of the people of earth are poor if you ask me is because the actual people who arent progressive are currently in control...that doesnt mean a majority of us dont use our brain correctly, infact it means the smallest percentage of us are defective in the terms you debate with. communism....are we really pushing which isms should be prevelant as a reason why brains are flawed lol? thats 100% your opinion no offense

2.) you think we need to not breathe to give us the best life but have you ever thought maybe our purpose isnt to immediately be trying to float around in space? maybe we should solve the problem of why greedy people are keeping people poor and misusing the earth and its resources first before we go trying to ruin other planets with filth and destruction, besides if you follow any space science media you would know most planets are uninhabitable for humans anyway...waste of time just floating around in a deadly vacuum unprotected by the earths seemingly supernatural aura that protects us from death constantly. if you want to know more of what god was thinking for us in what will be our primes read revelations

3.) thank god for making us able to survive without having to deal with the hassle of requiring strictly nitrogen and large corporations hogging up all the nitrogen, or worse using it all up and we die out prematurely as a creation.

4.) dont we get vitamins from the suns rays? even though we dont strictly live off just those vitamins i guess that is irrelevant since, according to science, we would die from being on an uninhabitable planet right along with the plants just the same not some they die then slowly we die type of situation, more immediate; a direct effect of no sunlight. the only reason people are starving is because defective humans are being greedy not because we cant put sun in our stomach and digest it.

5.) hmm i disagree, the reason humans are dying of early age in these times is because we kill ourselves inhaling, eating and drinking poison, even injecting it readily claiming it to be a vaccination even if it sets us back in the long run and dont forget killing eachother over any little thing. there are more bugs and plants because they take up less space than humans and die a whole lot faster period. you know how many generations of flies can be born within one human year for a baby lol, a whole lot friend. the key to better health is better health choices wether it be our mode of transportation or the chemicals we use to bathe with you have to make change. also if you read the bible the first reason we are dying at all and earlier and earlier is because of us giving into temptation, take that how you want it or receive it

6.) if you're going to question why we arent perfect right now you're going to have to read the bible more, even though i answered you in very simple view im sure you want to know more or i guess you do. we are effecient though because if we werent we wouldnt have survived this long we would already all be dead. the fact that we have even a stitch of power enough to be able to cause catastrophe is proof we have the power to do extreme good as well. again you should read revelation and there is no solid proof humans on a macro or micro level are evolving into another creature or evolved from chimps or apes so im just going to disagree with you there. id even go as far as to say there is no proof animals evolve into other different animls either just different varieties of what was already around..example wild dog changed into domesticated dog....not wild dog changed into seal or theories that support things like that...totally different subject though lets not get into that, atleast not in this thread
Last edited:


May 1, 2012
ok had to do some editing kuz it was all bunched up makin me squint for nothing :leostare:

1.) are we really going to use IQ tests to gauge though? im sure you know the origins of SAT's/IQ tests is racists scientist eugenics, even if they werent what do they even measure that cant be improved anyway through study and repitition? i thought the 50% of brain usage thing was a myth debunked not to long ago, since each a every part of the brain has a specific usage and function for things you dont have "concious control" over, like moving your fingers for example vs making your heart beat and making your blood cells carry oxygen to the organs that need it the most without a second thought. you make bad decisions based on emotions in certain situations that call for more purely logical thought processing, however emotion is something that can be linked to human intution, a pure feeling of "knowing without knowing" supposedly, some scientific studies have theorized that its actually a subconcious reminder of sorts or innate natural instinct for humans to let us know when to fight or flee or investigate something that doesnt quite sit right with us without immediate empirical evidence based on past experience tied into our psyche. the fact that a majority of the people of earth are poor if you ask me is because the actual people who arent progressive are currently in control...that doesnt mean a majority of us dont use our brain correctly, infact it means the smallest percentage of us are defective in the terms you debate with. communism....are we really pushing which isms should be prevelant as a reason why brains are flawed lol? thats 100% your opinion no offense

2.) you think we need to not breathe to give us the best life but have you ever thought maybe our purpose isnt to immediately be trying to float around in space? maybe we should solve the problem of why greedy people are keeping people poor and misusing the earth and its resources first before we go trying to ruin other planets with filth and destruction, besides if you follow any space science media you would know most planets are uninhabitable for humans anyway...waste of time just floating around in a deadly vacuum unprotected by the earths seemingly supernatural aura that protects us from death constantly. if you want to know more of what god was thinking for us in what will be our primes read revelations

3.) thank god for making us able to survive without having to deal with the hassle of requiring strictly nitrogen and large corporations hogging up all the nitrogen, or worse using it all up and we die out prematurely as a creation.

4.) dont we get vitamins from the suns rays? even though we dont strictly live off just those vitamins i guess that is irrelevant since, according to science, we would die from being on an uninhabitable planet right along with the plants just the same not some they die then slowly we die type of situation, more immediate; a direct effect of no sunlight. the only reason people are starving is because defective humans are being greedy not because we cant put sun in our stomach and digest it.

5.) hmm i disagree, the reason humans are dying of early age in these times is because we kill ourselves inhaling, eating and drinking poison, even injecting it readily claiming it to be a vaccination even if it sets us back in the long run and dont forget killing eachother over any little thing. there are more bugs and plants because they take up less space than humans and die a whole lot faster period. you know how many generations of flies can be born within one human year for a baby lol, a whole lot friend. the key to better health is better health choices wether it be our mode of transportation or the chemicals we use to bathe with you have to make change. also if you read the bible the first reason we are dying at all and earlier and earlier is because of us giving into temptation, take that how you want it or receive it

6.) if you're going to question why we arent perfect right now you're going to have to read the bible more, even though i answered you in very simple view im sure you want to know more or i guess you do. we are effecient though because if we werent we wouldnt have survived this long we would already all be dead. the fact that we have even a stitch of power enough to be able to cause catastrophe is proof we have the power to do extreme good as well. again you should read revelation and there is no solid proof humans on a macro or micro level are evolving into another creature or evolved from chimps or apes so im just going to disagree with you there. id even go as far as to say there is no proof animals evolve into other different animls either just different varieties of what was already around..example wild dog changed into domesticated dog....not wild dog changed into seal or theories that support things like that...totally different subject though lets not get into that, atleast not in this thread
I'm going to keep it simple and point out one thing. We do not get vitamins from the sun. Humans can live without ANY sunlight granted we have sources of carbon, and water. What you are thinking about is Vitamin D synthesis. The sun at certain wavelengths of light aids in the process but it is not needed. Vitamin D helps in calcium absorption in the body, but you can get the necessary amount just from diet.


May 2, 2012
In the book Designer Evolution by Simon Young, Young brings up the idea that God (or the Gods) made humans inherently imperfect because perfect beings would usurp their godhood. It's the same reason he claims that an AI uprising would be unlikely--humans wouldn't create robots with the capabilities to overtake their place as the dominant species on Earth.


May 12, 2012
the evils of truth, and love
I'm going to keep it simple and point out one thing. We do not get vitamins from the sun. Humans can live without ANY sunlight granted we have sources of carbon, and water. What you are thinking about is Vitamin D synthesis. The sun at certain wavelengths of light aids in the process but it is not needed. Vitamin D helps in calcium absorption in the body, but you can get the necessary amount just from diet.

thats cool but how are you going to survive without the heat of the sun? are there any humans that live without sunlight currently? im just having a little trouble believing that as a legit way to live, even prisoners locked up the rest of their lives are allowed sunlight


May 1, 2012
thats cool but how are you going to survive without the heat of the sun? are there any humans that live without sunlight currently? im just having a little trouble believing that as a legit way to live, even prisoners locked up the rest of their lives are allowed sunlight
Heat can come come from electricity, fire, chemical means....not only the sun. Having said that, the sun is the catalyst for 99.9% of the life on Earth. Without it the food chain, weather stops. From a strictly biological standpoint though, sunlight is not a requirement for human life granted, as i said, we have water and a carbon source that can provide essential proteins and minerals. There isn't any rule saying prisoners need sunlight, its just a courtesy. Solitary prisoners don't get that.


May 12, 2012
the evils of truth, and love
Heat can come come from electricity, fire, chemical means....not only the sun. Having said that, the sun is the catalyst for 99.9% of the life on Earth. Without it the food chain, weather stops. From a strictly biological standpoint though, sunlight is not a requirement for human life granted, as i said, we have water and a carbon source that can provide essential proteins and minerals. There isn't any rule saying prisoners need sunlight, its just a courtesy. Solitary prisoners don't get that.

none of those individual things are going to heat the whole outside of the earth though like the sun, i dont have any studies on hand right now but i could have sworn there is a serious negative effect on people who see the least amount of sun mentally and physically. how do we know after a long life of surviving off the sun that there would be no serious withdrawl effects from having none ever? doesnt uv radiation penetrate buildings anyway? they would still be getting sun in solitary confinement...i probably look stubborn lol but i just dont believe that hoo-ha friend about not needing sunlight biologically especially if we've adapted to life with it for supposedly hundreds of thousands of years


May 1, 2012
none of those individual things are going to heat the whole outside of the earth though like the sun, i dont have any studies on hand right now but i could have sworn there is a serious negative effect on people who see the least amount of sun mentally and physically. how do we know after a long life of surviving off the sun that there would be no serious withdrawl effects from having none ever? doesnt uv radiation penetrate buildings anyway? they would still be getting sun in solitary confinement...i probably look stubborn lol but i just dont believe that hoo-ha friend about not needing sunlight biologically especially if we've adapted to life with it for supposedly hundreds of thousands of years
Not stubborn at all breh...just curious. Thats a good thing. Sunlight is important, i dont want you to come away thinking it isnt. But our conversation earlier was from a purely physiological standpoint. Our cells use chemical, not photosynthetic means to produce energy. That's why we are saying you can put a human or mammal in complete darkness for its whole life and it would be fine granted you feed it. Psychologically, the sun has been there in everyone's life from the day they are born. You take away anything that is a cornerstone like that and you will feel ill effects. And yes, the Sun is a humongous nuclear reactor....we could never replicate the quantity of energy it puts out. Having said that, we arent talking about heating the whole Earth, just keeping humans happy. Artificial environments have allowed us to inhabit almost any part of the globe. UV light is weak and doesnt even penetrate glass. I hope i'm being clear.


May 12, 2012
the evils of truth, and love
Not stubborn at all breh...just curious. Thats a good thing. Sunlight is important, i dont want you to come away thinking it isnt. But our conversation earlier was from a purely physiological standpoint. Our cells use chemical, not photosynthetic means to produce energy. That's why we are saying you can put a human or mammal in complete darkness for its whole life and it would be fine granted you feed it. Psychologically, the sun has been there in everyone's life from the day they are born. You take away anything that is a cornerstone like that and you will feel ill effects. And yes, the Sun is a humongous nuclear reactor....we could never replicate the quantity of energy it puts out. Having said that, we arent talking about heating the whole Earth, just keeping humans happy. Artificial environments have allowed us to inhabit almost any part of the globe. UV light is weak and doesnt even penetrate glass. I hope i'm being clear.

you are being quite clear, i just needed some more perspective since i was lacking some off the dome. i did some quick searches though and i cant really find much except what you have said about being able to just live in complete seclusion from the sun as long as you eat right but then im finding websites saying depending on age and skin tone you should be spending 10-40 ish minutes atleast in sunlight or you will be unhealthy regardless, and also this

Sunshine affects the brain via the interaction of the chemicals melatonin and serotonin, as well as vitamin D. When sunlight hits your eyes, your optic nerve sends a message to the gland in the brain that produces melatonin (a hormone that helps you sleep); the gland decreases its secretions of melatonin until the sun goes down again. The opposite happens with the chemical serotonin; when you're exposed to sun, your brain increases serotonin (a hormone connected with feelings of happiness and wakefulness) production. And when the ultraviolet rays from sunshine touch your skin, your body produces vitamin D, which helps you maintain serotonin levels. Generally, we're asleep or feeling slowed down during the dark hours, and physically and emotionally up during the day.

This is the human circadian rhythm. We are able to function against these biological rhythms when we must (as night-shift workers do), but it can be hard on our bodies and minds. When we go without sunshine, we can even get seasonal affective disorder (SAD); people who suffer from this disorder get depressed during the times when there's not much sun, although they're typically fine in the warmer, sunnier months of the year. SAD is most prevalent in places where there are scant sunlit hours in the winter (such as Alaska) or where it's overcast for extended periods (parts of the U.S. Northwest). SAD can often be treated with phototherapy that exposes the patient to full-spectrum light, which may be sunlight or artificial light.

Being out in the sun isn't enough by itself, though. We have to soak in the sun's rays. But we've been taught to put on sunscreen whenever we go outside, and there are downsides to the use of sun-blocking chemicals. Our bodies need to be exposed to some full-spectrum sunshine - at least 15 minutes of undiluted sun three times a week [source: USA Today]. The ultraviolet rays of the sun make our bodies produce vitamin D, which is thought to help protect us from various types of cancer and helps us build a store of the vitamin to last through the dark winter months. In addition, vitamin D helps our brains make more serotonin. If we slather our skin with sunblock every time we step out the door, we're cutting down on vitamin D and its benefits.

its looking as if its a conundrum but im thinking maybe you know a little more about this and can divulge some more details if you have some more free time