Don’t Be Like He-Man
This is the first instance of the Coli panhandler actually coming at me, it seems like the lil mouse man has built up some courage
Well, let's do something about that
apparently this guy knows all about getting raped, as he sees that as the standard of things to go wrong . . well lil mouse man, I've gotta tell you - not exactly a reality for someone like me (notice how much Coli cash I've got? any case, I can make it disappear real quick) also I'm a physical specimen that can beat anyone down 6 ways to Sunday, I can actually take you out lethally with my bare hands in five different languages of combat
. . you on the other hand . . panhandling online so you can earn your way toward a slave job
Me? You’re talking to the Rolex wearin’, diamond ring wearin’, kiss stealin’, wheelin’ dealin’, limousine ridin’, jet flyin’ son of a gun. And I’m having a hard time holding these alligators down. Woo! I speak opulence in 8 languages. I can make a girl cum with my voice and every week continue to add to my female rotation. Of that rotation I've got more ready to go at a moments notice then the Yankees bullpen
You on the other hand, a habitual masturbator and porn addict - are unlikely to even be capable of having sex if it was presented to you . . which it never is because you're a panhandling feminine talking chump who probably serve as the texting buddy and emotional rag for a couple of females that you talk to with exclamation points and emoji's . . theyprobably consider you a nice guy
Didn't read, too much writing
but I had mad puss!!!