A right-wing Israeli mob has been caught on film seemingly celebrating the deaths of Palestinian children in Operation Protective Edge. Over 1,200 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s latest offensive, including over 200 children.
The video uploaded onto YouTube on Saturday shows a group of right-wing Israeli activists celebrating the Israeli Defense Force’s incursion into Gaza.
“Tomorrow there’s no teaching in Gaza, they don’t have any children left,” chanted the protesters, waving Israeli flags.
The video was published by Israeli journalist Haim Har-Zahav.
The chant also contains the words “I hate all Arabs” and “Gaza is a graveyard,” according to the pro-Palestinian news resource
Electronic Intifada.
The protesters also voiced their rage at Arab members of Knesset, the Israeli parliament - Hanin Zoabi and Ahmad Tibi.
"Ahmad Tibi, I wanted you to know, the next child to get hit is yours,” they shouted, accusing both Tibi and Zoabi of terrorism and calling for their Israeli citizenship to be revoked.