Ice-T/Soledad O'Brien Fox Special:Tupac & Biggie's Death Separated Crews[Preview]

May 11, 2012
"Tupac and Biggie were a part of a program called The Janus Project or Project Janus, named after the Roman deity Janus, the god of duality, war and peace, hypocrisy, falsehood and duplicity. Janus means twin “dualistic” souls – two persons that mirror each other yet appear as opposites. Gemini means Geminate which is Latin for “Twins; Duplicate”. Study the stories of Tupac and Biggie closely and you will observe just how much they mimic and echo one another. Both Gemini’s, both raised by single mothers, both had absentee fathers as children, both born in New York, both attended prestigious educational institutions, both were “kicked out/dropped out of school” at age 17, both signed to the largest Hip Hop record labels of its era, both started their own Hip Hop groups (Thug Life/Junior Mafia), both “died” in drive-by shootings, both “unsolved gang related murders”, born a year apart and “died” a year apart, both from the East and “died” on the West, both the “Kings of Hip Hop”. Twin souls. With the Gemini twin aspect comes Dualism.

Tupac and Biggie are both exceedingly dualistic, both having two distinctively separate personalities. Biggie’s two personalities consisted of the friendly and receptively cool laid back rapper while his other personality was the aggressive woman beater and brutal crime-ridden maniac who would threaten people and attack reporters. Tupac’s two personalities were the friend and the foe; the unifier and divider. One of his personalities was the empathetic, perceptive zealot with a sensitive decipherment on social issues while his other personality was the volatile, catastrophic, malicious and antagonistic warmonger. This biformity made them both hypocrites; two-faced, Janus-Faced. With Dualism comes Opposition and Polarity. Tupac and Biggie were polar opposites in terms of appearance, mannerisms, music and style. Tupac’s music was crafted to be more multifaceted and emotional in order to amplify the “Black Jesus” revolutionary characterization while Biggie’s music was designed to discuss more banal and material subjects. Tupac presented himself as an expressive and socially-conscious individual impassioned on being the voice of his community while Biggie presented himself as a mellow and quiet easygoing kid who was just trying to make it in the industry to feed his kids. These two people were the same, yet different. Janus dualistic Gemini twin souls.

Tupac and Biggie’s rises to the top had absolutely nothing to do with their talent, it was all manufactured. They were both characters playing their respective roles in an agenda to destroy the Black community. The elite are anal about Astrology, Numerology and Gematria. Everything that they plan out is in accordance with these things. The East Coast/West Coast staged beef was nothing more than a theatrical skit paying homage to an ancient pagan deity, a satirical version of Masonic theater, and a psychological game of deception to provoke division, hatred, conflict, and chaos onto the Black community. Astrology holds a prominent place in the elite’s masonic media events. One of the most important concepts in Freemasonry is Duality; the two-fold nature of man, the ying and yang “checkerboard pattern” of life. One is the objective/ exoteric, the other is the hidden/ esoteric. The Gemini Zodiac is characterized as two pillars and is symbolic of the two pillars of Freemasonry – Boaz and Jachin.

A pillar is a prop which supports and upholds a community – the two pillars uphold the Gemini, the two pillars uphold Freemasonry. Tupac and Biggie were the two Gemini’s symbolizing the two pillars that held up their communities – the East and the West. Tupac and Biggie symbolized these Masonic Gemini pillars of Dualism: Boaz (Sun) and Jachin (Moon). Boaz and Jachin are the two phallic Bronze pillars (two Bronze phallic pillars - Two Brown Gemini Men– Two African American Gemini men – Biggie and Tupac) which stood at the portico of King Solomon’s temple. Boaz is the first pillar that was built on Solomon’s Temple, built on the left. Oz means Strength in Hebrew while Bo means "severity". Boaz represents the Sun. Jachin means “He will establish” and it is the second pillar, built on the right of Solomon’s Temple, symbolizing mildness, buoyancy, tameness and represents the Moon. Now who debuted first or which pillar was erected first in Hip Hop, Tupac or Biggie? Tupac, he is the left Gemini pillar which was built first, Boaz, the Sun. The Sun is animated, energetic, loud, shines bright and is aggressively forceful – Tupac. The right pillar was erected secondly, it embodies The Moon which is mellow, meek, distant and passive - Biggie. The Sun and Moon symbolize Duality – light and darkness, day and night, Janus and opposition; The twin pillars symbolize the dual nature of life and death, active and passive, good and evil, east and west, the apex of an equilateral triangle.

Tupac was depicted as the aggressor of the “beef” while Biggie was depicted as the more tolerant and subdued. Opposites, polarity, opposition. Their record labels “opposed” one another in a musical duel – Duelism/Dualism. The East and West are both references to this - the Sun and Moon rises in the East and sets in the West. Both Tupac and Biggie’s characters arose (birthed) in the East and set ("died”) on the West. This whole fake beef was a cleverly veiled reference to what is one of the most critically important elements of masonry – dualism – and the astrology which symbolizes this masonic dualism – the Sun and the Moon, the East and the West. The Gemini zodiac is one of the zodiac signs spread across the four corners of the Masonic Grand Temple. The twin phallic symbols serve as representations of the Gemini. The twin pillars were the “face” of Solomon’s Temple that stood at the entrance. What two men are the “face” of Hip Hop? Tupac and Biggie. The symbol of the twin pillars represents the guarding and entrance to the gateways of new realms. Hence why Tupac and Biggie are the “kings/guardians” of Hip Hop. Boaz and Jachin are the two pillars which stand at the entrance of Masonic temples, and candidates must pass between them on admission in order to enter. Whose Hip Hop craft do rappers study, mold themselves after and become influenced by in order be admitted or successful into Hip Hop? Biggie and Tupac.

Also with the Masonic pillars, they stand on the checkboard pattern of Dualism. Thus it explains why these two Gemini pillars (Tupac and Biggie) were so dichotomic. The pillars stand on the chessboard symbolizing that Biggie and Tupac were indeed merely pawns in this game of life! Directly in between the pillars is the STAR (which is Sirius, “the blazing star”). This is what Tupac and Biggie share in common - that they are both stars who shined much brighter than their Hip Hop contemporaries. Twin souls - their commonality is that they are both stars, both being watched under the eye of the public (hence the eye) and those who manufactured their characters. They are both two Gemini's or "pillars”; both situated on the checkerboard because they are pawns in this game of Life/Hip Hop. Directly in between the two pillars lies the casket. Both Tupac and Biggie were obsessed with death. The fictional Quad Studio shooting is what birthed this equally fictional coastal hip hop dichotomy. Take note of how sneaky these script writers are: The word “Quad” means Four. Two individuals with Two (Janus-faced) personalities – 2 +2 = 4. Two dualistic people makes 4 or “Quad”. Tupac and Biggie are both 2 people in one – symbolic of Dualism/Gemini.

The elite stage all of their productions in correspondence with numerology, as they believe that each number holds powerful significance. There was never a shooting; this mythical event was set to be the catalyst to introduce the pre-planned scripted coastal beef while the staged fake deaths would be used to traumatize the masses and descend the Black community into a state of disorientation and mass hysteria with the East/West hostility used to further desensitize listeners with antagonistic messages that have no regard for morals, values, and respect. Both of their last albums discussed, in detail, the ways in which they would die and were themed around the subject of murder and revenge as a form of predictive programming. The irony of this storyline of Tupac and Biggie being murdered by Bloods and Crips is that it is yet another Masonic Dualistic reference. The Bloods and the Crips' gang colors (which come from the Blue and Red Masonic lodges), initiation rituals and verbiage are all Masonic. The “death by gangbanging” Blood vs. Crip story is another hidden reference to the Gemini polarity and the Masonic ying and yang/Boaz and Jachin/positive and negative/profane and sacred/opposites and opposames theme of their scripted lives and scripted deaths. When the psy-op operators script a large scale hoax, they concurrently plan all the conspiracy theories and alternative explanations to overwhelm people with information in order to better conceal the real explanation. This was all utter cinema and lamentable theater. But unfortunately, people need no more than a tv set and a story to fully accept any lie that is presented to them and will disregard any information that isn’t sprouting from a news outlet, interview, or source of information stemming from a body of authority. All the world’s a stage and all of the men and women are role players that have their exits and their entrances."

A YouTube comment I came across....Just throwing another theory in the mix

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Man it's obvious who killed big and wasn't poochie

Who then?

Sound like Suge tryna give us the answer,"Maybe if you solve the first case:comeon:"

Is he saying Puffy committed the first and the second crime:jbhmm:?

is he saying Biggie committed the first crime,and got what he had coming to him like I believe:jbhmm:?


May 1, 2014
Watching right now and show is revealing a lot.

Who is that person in the bottom pic? I thought they said it was a nation of islam member who shot big?

thats poochie wit the shades....


Lurk Angle

All Star
Jan 29, 2016
Who then?

Sound like Suge tryna give us the answer,"Maybe if you solve the first case:comeon:"

Is he saying Puffy committed the first and the second crime:jbhmm:?

is he saying Biggie committed the first crime,and got what he had coming to him like I believe:jbhmm:?
It was know for years that the lapd had their hands in biggies murder
Suge stay trying to spin shyt but he knows what happen