Cant even think what a sequel would be about
Pills and lean?
Heroin is always prevalent
Cant even think what a sequel would be about
Pills and lean?
NY Undercover recycled mad actors anyway.I'd love if New York Undercover came back.
that'd be weird if Ice T was the captain after killing Williams' wife tho lol
In his interview with Ambrosia For Heads, Barry Michael Cooper said that he has written and is writing a precursor to the New Jack City story, as well as a follow-up to the 25-year-old story called Am I My Brother’s Keeper, after one of the most iconic lines from the film. “This goes into Nino’s childhood, man—Nicholas,” Cooper said. “That’s his name: Nicholas Brown.” Cooper said that the prequel focuses on Brown’s upbringing in Harlem and what led his life down the path that it takes in the film.
this makes a lot more sense
I have actually been to that house that was in the notorious video where they were counting the money. It still has the the throne around the gate. Funny thing is it was STILL functioning dope house around 2009fun fact new jack city was based on detroit and the real carter was in detroit
cash money brothers= chambers brothers was from my hood
Would love to see a movie based on the Chambers Brothers, Maserati Rick, & Demetrius Hollawayfun fact new jack city was based on detroit and the real carter was in detroit
cash money brothers= chambers brothers was from my hood
After that final fukkery-filled season of New York Undercover, it is best to just let it rest back in the 90's.
Tommy, tho
Malik Yoba was trying to bring NYU back about five or six years back I want it back somehow I honestly hate reboots and would like some type of sequel.Nino and CMB are dead. Let them RIP. On the other hand, a NY Undercover reboot or 2 hour movie could work but I need for Malik Yoba and other original cast members involved.