youll have to see me in the TLR thread if you wanna argue with me, or tag me, or whatever. im a point away from the bushes@the cac mamba this is why i just laugh at you every time you pretend to have no idea what's going on![]()
What most also don't realize about the Holocaust was that it wasn't directed at German Jews. It was directed at foreigners right across the border; mostly in Poland, but also in Ukraine. German Jews were about 3% of the German population, and about 1% of the Holocaust victims.
Interestingly, Hitler's entire foreign policy goal (expand to the east and destroy the "nonhuman" population there to provide "living space" for Germans) was modeled specifically after what America did during its western expansion and genocide of the natives.
Watch out for a Gleiwtiz Incident.
Edit: Actually, MS13 is serving that purpose....
You seem right at home in that trash ass thread. TLR really has turned into a safe haven for propaganda and backwards ass conservative arguments so maybe you should stay there.youll have to see me in the TLR thread if you wanna argue with me, or tag me, or whatever. im a point away from the bushes
You seem right at home in that trash ass thread. TLR really has turned into a safe haven for propaganda and backwards ass conservative arguments so maybe you should stay there.
These idiots are in TLR arguing that liberals get upset about immigrants but don’t care about police brutality and problems facing black people. Straight from the conservative handbook. That section is too far gone.
Every liberal that I know, white or black, is vocal about multiple issues, including those facing back people. When unarmed black people get shot, it’s the left protesting and calling for reforms/justice, not the right. But if you say that then these weirdos say you’re relying on a white savior or some other nonsense.
The fact that I even had to type that out just to remind myself is![]()