Ice Cube takes Tucker Carlson through tha naybahood

I'm Blackman

Prep time > Everything
Jan 26, 2018
Southside of Gotham (Montgomery, AL)
Video was bad, cringe, dangerous and disappointing. Tucker guided and steered him right where he wanted to go and got him to use the phrases that he wanted...all accompanied by misleading video. I think Cube has a LOT of bread tied up in the big 3.

I love Cube as a rapper...but it is what it is. If it was somebody I didnt love I would be calling them a c00n, clown, and a sucka. So same applies to him.

Also...why the fukk does his pops live on the same block from the 1960s?


All Star
May 25, 2022
Another problem we don't think about is over exposure. Back in the day we only know of these celebrities through their movies, music, etc. Televised interviews were scarce so we didn't really KNOW them on a personal level. In modern times celebrities are expected to have multiple social media accounts, and do a ton of interviews.

The veil that shrouded these celebrities in mystery and intrigue has now been violently ripped away, and we're seeing their true nature; who they really are. Now many of us are disappointed with what we see. The rebellious anti-hero we lauded who shouted, "fukk the police" is now doing a Kanye West-esque media run rubbing shoulders with closeted homosexual white supremacists devoid of all journalistic integrity; fake news propagandists with George W. Bush-level IQ lining their pockets instilling fear in white America.
:manny: To be fair, a lot of these people start to become more conservative the older and wealthier they get. I honestly don’t believe Ice Cube would’ve done this sit at all in the 2000s let alone the 90s. Now Kanye on the other hand, I always believed he worshiped whiteness, but he was following that backpack wave, and them dudes didn’t play that. Hell, look at Krist novo whatever the fukk his name is from Nirvana. They were supposed to be super liberal (Kurt was for sure), then this half-ass has been bass player, along with Courtney Love, became full blown white supremacists.
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Kenny West

May 29, 2012
You gotta love these fake ass militant conservac00ns and their bullshyt. All buck with Democrats, liberals, gays, penniless immigrants any easy, marginalized target for you to feel superior to someone. But suddenly yall turn into little eager agreeable puppy dogs in the face of ACTUAL white supremacists who are directly attacking our legal rights. And in this case the very leading voice of white nationalism in America today. And you idiots want to be taken seriously as uncompromising militants and not the weak cowards you actually are.

"But but the Republicans don't promise nothing to us, so they're above our criticism. We can have a nice talk!" fukkin p*ssy ass black Republicans. Passionately defending white supremacists as usual. Why would I expect anything less?

The way you cowards use this phony militant roleplay about black people to run house nikka defense for fukking full blown white nationalist voices is mind blowingly hypocritical and pathetic. Keep the same energy you have for Joe Bidens supposed "racism" for someone who is an actual icon of racism and pro-white politics. At least pretend you are objectively pro-black and not an obvious partisan hack for Republicans using black issues for your own agenda. Tired of you bytch ass Republic00n agents and your fake ass militance.
This is fukking facts right here.

At the end of the day negroes like these are cowards. Liberal types, immigrants, gays, etc are easy targets because they are generally more compromising types of people. That hippie-ish, "acceptance" vibe is sort of a defining trait of liberality and because of it they are self concious about looking like the bad guys. Thus these dudes feel comfortable doing their rah-rah militant cosplay with their chest.

Conservatives represent the political center of both the 1% of moneyed intrests as well as the political nucleus of racism. When around them these nikkas are on their best behavior skinning & grinning. All that rebellious shyt goes out the window and they happily take up the mantle of the "black friend" to the most vile racists. Because that side is willing to throw their financial weight against them or even resort to violence when it comes to having their interests opposed.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
I swear they're out here sounding like a broken record at his point :russell: next it'll be something about the "Democratic plantation" or "butter biscuits"

The insinuation is that black people only vote Democratic because they're too dumb to vote in their interest (unlike other groups) which is pretty insulting.

Right on schedule :coffee:


Sep 10, 2015
You gotta love these fake ass militant conservac00ns and their bullshyt. All buck with Democrats, liberals, gays, penniless immigrants any easy, marginalized target for you to feel superior to someone. But suddenly yall turn into little eager agreeable puppy dogs in the face of ACTUAL white supremacists who are directly attacking our legal rights. And in this case the very leading voice of white nationalism in America today. And you idiots want to be taken seriously as uncompromising militants and not the weak cowards you actually are.

"But but the Republicans don't promise nothing to us, so they're above our criticism. We can have a nice talk!" fukkin p*ssy ass black Republicans. Passionately defending white supremacists as usual. Why would I expect anything less?

The way you cowards use this phony militant roleplay about black people to run house nikka defense for fukking full blown white nationalist voices is mind blowingly hypocritical and pathetic. Keep the same energy you have for Joe Bidens supposed "racism" for someone who is an actual icon of racism and pro-white politics. At least pretend you are objectively pro-black and not an obvious partisan hack for Republicans using black issues for your own agenda. Tired of you bytch ass Republic00n agents and your fake ass militance.

All facts.

Rhyme n Tekniq

Mar 22, 2017
From "I'll never have dinner with the president" to trying to rub elbows with the most known faces of far-right media including Trump himself

Cube has always been a phony

Cube aint realy bout no gangsta shyt, ask the gangstas
Cube aint really about no revolutionary shyt, ask Dr. Khalid Muhammad.
Cube dont do good business with others, while talking that family shyt. ask the cast of the Friday Franchise particularly DJ Pooh, ask Kam, which got him slept on the freeway by Solo

Dude is a much of a phony capatlist as the crackkkas he rapped about. but but but Death Certificate. But But But NWA.

grown men have to put away childish things including blind admiration for false prophets and so-called heroes because in our youth, we were indoctrinated by their celebrity & street nikka rhetoric, they dont even subscribe to themselves. The jig is up, Alot of these legends were never "real" based on whatever metric you want to go by that defines "real".

in Short fukk, Cube
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Po pimp

May 1, 2012
Not something I wouldve done,but thecolis favorite black leaders have done far worst. Not sure what his end game is but I will continue to wait it out. I have yet to see him say some crazy shyt in these interviews. Thecoli told me Joe Rogan was a right wing white nationalist. But then I saw a clip with Cube or Killer Mike. And he was saying the Ukraine money should go to help the ghettos of america:dahell:.

Cube always stands on business from what Ive seen.
I don't even pay most these dudes any mind. Like you, I wouldn't have done it, but nikkas legit get angry if you criticize the left or democrats. They're just like these MAGA clowns who will be quick to accuse you of being a liberal just because you dare to call out their racist bullshyt.