"Ice Cube melted on me!" Khalid Muhammad


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
actually it's not full of shyt. Farrakhan wasn't directly involved as a major player. This is true, but he, along with Muhammad Ali and others, knew about it and knew the killers. Farrakhan was spoke at Mosque 25 the day of the assassination(where the killers were from). On top of that, he was at the Mosque when they returned there after the assassination (minus Hayer). I know this piece of information is true, as told by Les Payne thru his research, because Farrakhan hasn't sued. To show you how stupid these mfers in the NOI are; Linward Carthart stated he was on the front frow of the Audubon ballroom that day. He said that Ruben Francis(Malcolm's bodyguard that shot Hayer) searched him before the event. Omar Shabazz, Karl Evannz, and Zak Kondo all implicated Linward as being a part of the assassination team as a decoy. He never filed a single lawsuit against any of them. Manny Marble wrote his bs book of plagiarized information and in that he also implicated Linward, but he said that Linward had an affair with on of Malcolm's secretaries. This was indeed false. So after this came out, Linward sued Marble's estate. So being implicated as one of the assassins had him quiet, but cheating on his wife brings in the lawsuits. :russ: . Mfer's are stupid.. And let's not forget the Haniffa Massacre. Farrakhan isn't the guy you really want to defend..

Facts he wasn’t directly involved but by that time he was pretty much an opp. Was among the ministers instigating and adding fuel to the fire after Malcolm had taken him under his wing and gave him game. With all respect due, the NOI will always be wild to me for what they did to Brother Malcolm. He built that shyt up and rehabilitated so many of the same people that decided to hate him because he had to nerve to want the NOI to actually practice what it preached starting at the very top.

I’ll honestly never understand why people love Farrakhan so much outside of the plainly obvious observations he makes. He’s like a mid version of Malcolm his speech bag don’t even compare and Malcolm was a Third World hero whereas Calypso Lou is only relevant when he wants nikkaz to go out and march in DC. :ehh:

MJ Truth

Feb 1, 2015
I never got the impression Cube was really about what he rapped about. The Khalid Muhammad thing seemed to be just a phase to him. He wasn't really a gangsta like that nor as militant as it may have appeared to some. A good rapper and actor though.
People, young adults in particular, go through phases of life while trying to find themselves. Cube went through that in the public eye.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
yep. And I've always wondered why Ice Cube continued to have a career after talking about the euro small hats. What he said was 10x worse than Professor Griff's statements and not only did it advance his career, but they gave him a record label, movie company, AND basketball league. This is how I knew he was full of shyt on top of turning his back on Khalid. Yall gotta watch who yall think are pro black or revolutionary. I've been listening to Publc Enemy wince 1987. My favorite hip hop group of all time, but these dudes went from anti-government/politicians to supporting Bernie Sanders. wtf

Ice Cube is more talented than Professor Griff thats what it comes down to. Griff was never selling millions of records by himself like Cube proved he could do after leaving NWA. Thats what kept Cube in the forefront plus his business acumen.