On one hand this is humiliating..
But on the other, it is educational
I doubt Judgemental Joe will ever join the workforce..
(he's too much of a parasite)
but if he does, he is fully forewarned not to harass female coworkers with this "don't you think I'm sexy?? " swag
And that is a lesson he should take to heart
But beyond that,, and beyond him, it explores how some feel entitled to others' attention
they feel entitled to be popular, or to be christened with a certain reputation (intelligent, funny, insightful)
You have to earn those stripes
And to be funnier (or cleverer, or.. ) than others
For people to spend their time listening to you, or looking at you
By necessity, other people have to be less funny/clever than you
Less worthy of someone's time
We all can't be attractive/desirable
Because then those words would lose their meaning
I am below average in some areas of my life, and when those occasions arise, I ..
1) don't call extra attention to myself or the situation
2) don't double down or demand a recount
3) stay humble
4) stay strictly with fundamental moves
These are the main principles
The consequences of doing the opposite make people MIGHTY uncomfortable
And they resent you for making them feel this way
..actually, they resent this awkward feeling more than the initial deficiency that caused it
Not to belabor things..
But that's where benchmarking early in your development is so important
Sheltering yourself
Hiding from truthful reality
Only leads to these awkward situations like judgmental joe harassing people
He either was unaware of reality..
Or he knew it, but violated the principles and now has built up a mountain of resentment