More of the actual publishing process... When you self-publish you have to do all the formatting yourself and it is SUPER time-consuming. You upload your written file (mine was a word doc) to your publishing site (I used createspace/Amazon), and then you have to pick a book size. My word file was written in 8x11 but the standard book size is 6x9, so it formatted all wrong with the words and spaces all over the page. You have to go through it one page at a time and mess with font size, correct chapter/page breaks, etc. and then you have to create and upload your own cover.
It's not *difficult* to do, but it's tedious as fukk and takes HELLA long and I literally thought while doing it, 'I see why this is a job someone at a publishing house gets paid to do.' Amazon has an in-house team that you can pay to do all of it for you, but it costs $399 .
Is there any type of copyright aspect or is that all in the fine print contract agreement?