Shannon is wrong and I said earlier, Dennis Allen basically throwing his team under the bus to make Arthur Smith feel better about himself could cause locker room issues.
For real.the only thing bush league about it was lining up in victory formation
If you wanna get Jamal a td then line up and run a regular play and give the defense a chance to stop it
Other than that I don’t really care
Allen definitely should be fired though.This situation shows the team doesn’t respect him
Almost every player has come out in support of Jameis and the decision to get Jamal the td
not a good look for the HC at all
football is played via plays that coaches relay and that require full participation and requires zero freelancingThe whole football culture is lame to me.
yeah I was on a NO board and I was surprised by how much love Jameis was gettingRespect but nah most NO fans are team Jameis. fukk bytch ass Dennis Allen. Him, Pete Carmichael, and Loomis needs to be fired. Im glad the team as whole not just Jameis made that decision to give J Will a TD. We have seen so many times Kamara and company make real nikka runs and no diss to Taysom but he's the one that get the goaline TDs or Carr gets throw them. Besides they fukked Jameis over. Had dude out there playing with a fractured back and bad knee with no weapons but DA blamed him for our struggles. Carr came in with loaded weapons, sucked ass, but got babied like a mfer. Im glad Jameis got his "fukk you DA" moment and i wish him well wherever he goes next Bruh was a solid teammate and embraced the city like a real one
It was a setup. Badger slowed down waiting to get tackled.It was team decision and Shannon Sharpe is being ridiculous.
But, I been laughing about this shyt all dayy. They came out in a victory formation and punched it in. The interception to 1 yard line seem like a set up too…
Him and Jameis got beef? Did Dennis Allen coach for or play with him on the Broncos or something? because that sounded personal for Shannon