What did he say
I Said We Don't Have the Capacity refers to a 2020 viral video of a Nigerian man at a press conference saying the catchphrase "I said we don't have the capacity" before breaking down in tears. In memes and skits, the clip is used with captions describing scenarios where a person is unable to do something, primarily on TikTok in mid-2021.
The clip originally comes from a press conference in the Kogi Region in Nigeria. In the video, a man is speaking to reporters about how a hospital has been vandalized. He explains how they "don't have the capacity" to do work, leading him to break down in tears after saying the line. The video was shared by the Activity On TV YouTube[1] channel on October 29th, 2020 (shown below).
I Said We Don't Have the Capacity
I Said We Don't Have the Capacity refers to a 2020 viral video of a Nigerian man at a press conference saying the catchphrase "I said we don't have the capknowyourmeme.com
In Marvel there's a company called Damage Control created by the Honorable Dwayne McDuffie. RIP. They basically deal with the collateral damage that those kinda fights cause.If he ain't kill them he definitely fukked they whole day up. Coming back from yo 8 to 5 and entire apartment gone
Then who pays for that shyt? Do insurance companies sue the justice league?
What planet you on, cause if you stealing the earth dragon balls, you only getting that 1st wish *pushes up nerd glasses*First thing I'm doing is stealing the dragonballs cause them shyts always get stolenFirst wish become full blooded sayain. Second wish for unlimited potential Goku and Vegeta won't kill me because those jackasses will want to train and fight me all the time
Earth has 2 wishes Dende upgraded them before the Buu sagaWhat planet you on, cause if you stealing the earth dragon balls, you only getting that 1st wish *pushes up nerd glasses*
Earth has 2 wishes Dende upgraded them before the Buu saga
The arguments on whether or not he’s winning his fights legitimately would be lolThe coli would despise Mr. Hercule in real life