Many have spoken on the philosophical aspect of the question, but I believe your question is aimed at us, as individuals, so I'll give you my very personal and totally subjective list of things that make me want to keep on going:
- Enjoy more and more art : there are so many books, movies, plays, sculptures, paintings etc to be seen, music to be listened to, museums to visit and so on that I already feel I dont have enough time as it is
- Discover new countries: Id like to spend some time in South America (Brazil and/or Argentina), Africa (Ghana and/or Tanzania and/or Senegal), Europe (GB and/or Netherlands).
- Learn another language (probably Portuguese)
- Id like to write a book, and publish the stuff (flash fiction) Ive already written
- I need to see a Knicks playoff game at The Garden
- I want to live one true love story (call me a simp, dont care

- Want to live to see the day my beloved Knicks win the title again
As you can see, its mostly doable stuff (we'll see about the Knicks winning it all

) and things that have to do with enjoying life. Sure we can get all philosophical about it, but in the long-term, as Keynes said, were all dead, so really very few of us will have any kind of long term impact. After losing my cousin, mom, grandma, and best friend, I feel that the best you can do is try to enjoy your existence, there are enough people who are unfortunately living in terrible conditions, if you're lucky enough to not be one of them at least try to enjoy the ride