I tried to warn yall about El0n and tech bros getging trump elected

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
We have never been able to financially compete in this country, but we can get ourselves together and then leverage others:

1. Minimize social media and be VERY cautious of news you receive from those outlets. Between the Twitter ownership and advanced AI I can see them deploying deepfakes to elicit a certain reaction from the populace, spread disinformation. Verify something off social media before you take it as gospel.

2. Minimize your data footprint. They are tracking and profiling us with social media usage and other things so while you can't hide or go off grid, if you minimize your footprint you can be less of a target for hostile actors, especially racists trying to dox or whatever you:

First, make all social media private and stop posting unnecessary shyt or data about all your habits/movements
Second, take the social media apps off your phone. I only use social media on a laptop with no geotracking and a covered camera
Third, contact the main data brokers and opt your data out (there are tutorials online about this)
Fourth, type in your name and home address and name and phone and find the sites that list your private info online and contact them to take it down. Almost all will and it may take a few hours but nobody needs your info out there easily collectible.
Fifth, put your house in a trust to remove your name/address online

3. If there is any part of your family's life DEPENDENT on direct federal government aid, game an alternative now. Nothing is perfect but if they crush the buildings at least you will have a plan (unlike 99% of people)

4. Become active in a local Black community group. Not the old ones like NAACP or whatever but a group in your community where you can network and get support with like minded brehs/brehettes. You can't save everyone but small organized groups can save themselves

5. Be careful of public demonstrations---they will be scanning faces for professional or legal retaliation and may even want to test run firing on protestors like in the 60s so while we need to fight, finding ways that are effective and not as easy to hit back again like protests can be key.

Ehh...I am not sure if this is as good as it sounds. I say this as someone who was involved in BTC very early (and sold way too early like a dumbass). All these coins are manipulated by whales and there is no floor for the drop in value if they collapse. The big holders are the early investors, miners, hedge funds, and rich people/governments. Unless Black folks know the best coin to pile into early I don't see how this can help.

The fascists are raising money in pump and dump for their plans and unless we think a Black elite should pump and dump the masses, not sure this can help us. I would encourage Black folks to put 5-10% of their wealth in precious metals. Start with silver since it is cheaper then get some gold.

Now maybe if cash was outlawed and we needed a medium of exchange outside the monetary system a stable crypto could help but that is treading water.

Black folks talk too much online. I agree here but these plans were long in the making. Thiel and Sacks have been moving like this for years. The big surprise is that Elon and a bunch of other SV elite who wouldn't fukk with Trump in 2016 became MAGA for their own interests. Black Twitter alone didn't cause this. There is a big fight amongst American oligarchs and we are collateral damage.

I also think the BLM protests scared/pissed them off more than Twitter since we shook society.
You're right. Thiel been like this since the 90s. Dude wrote a book called the diversity myth back then. The thing is, they didn't have any fuel to help them with their cause. New blacks who suddenly became the loudest black folks post 2015 gave them fuel. The same crowd that undermined the Darren Seales types also acted as a weapon for the far right. That libsoftiktok account got off the ground from reposting new blacks on tiktok that were wilding all 2021. Then once they got people hooked on that they started reposting old world star hiphop videos over and over again. Its all reminiscent of the propaganda right before the Wilmington massacre of 1898.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
You're right. Thiel been like this since the 90s. Dude wrote a book called the diversity myth back then. The thing is, they didn't have any fuel to help them with their cause. New blacks who suddenly became the loudest black folks post 2015 gave them fuel. The same crowd that undermined the Darren Seales types also acted as a weapon for the far right. That libsoftiktok account got off the ground from reposting new blacks on tiktok that were wilding all 2021. Then once they got people hooked on that they started reposting old world star hiphop videos over and over again. Its all reminiscent of the propaganda right before the Wilmington massacre of 1898.

If Black people had social media it should signal boost rational and well spoken individuals unapologetically.

The crazy thing is for all the sit they talk, New Blacks have the least power of any Black activists in generations. No organizations, no Black church, no real grassroots.

The worst part is they are so quick to cosgin goofy liberal shyt and ideologies. Black people traditionally vote Democrat but no way we would mindlessly try to be White liberals back in the day. That's the problem and why they reify things like intersectionalism and alternate lifestyles.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
If Black people had social media it should signal boost rational and well spoken individuals unapologetically.

The crazy thing is for all the sit they talk, New Blacks have the least power of any Black activists in generations. No organizations, no Black church, no real grassroots.

The worst part is they are so quick to cosgin goofy liberal shyt and ideologies. Black people traditionally vote Democrat but no way we would mindlessly try to be White liberals back in the day. That's the problem and why they reify things like intersectionalism and alternate lifestyles.
New blacks are a lagging indicator of something that happened in the late 1970s. No it's not the crack era or heron, it's the backlash from the black panthers and how white folks basically re-structured black academia/high society BECAUSE the panthers scared the shyt out them. Actual academics like Dr. Amos Wilson got replaced by the Kimberly Crenshaw types on a massive scale, and it was by design. New blacks cosign goofy liberal shyt because it benefits them. The first of their kind were Michelle Wallace and Bell Hooks. Their first task was literally to help the state close the chapter on the panthers by claiming that George Jackson was a white supremacist for learning guerilla tactics to fight against white nationalists. Just take a look at how Bell Hook's desciples try to frame George Jackson as a mysoginist today because of it:

Mind you, this is what George Jackson had to deal with:

Jackson was just adjusting to his environment, simple.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
The Jordan Neely death with probably be the beach head.
If you think about, criminalizing homelesness is just their new way of criminalizing black men. They cant do the war on drugs since we're not even the vast majority of drug dealers anymore, that title belongs to white nationalist gangs and Chicano gangs. So since they cant crimninalize that (to the extent that they did during the 1970s/80s) their new thing is criminalizing homelessness since it hits us the hardest as we are intentionally left out of the labor market.

> I partially blame Obama for a lot of this. His wallstreet bailout allowed a lot of this to happen indirectly. Dude shoud've bailed out homeowners instead.