I'm not actually arguing that...... If you're thinking that I'm some type of white apologist or I'm trying to garner sympathy for the culprit then I have not made myself clear.....
What if I propose that he was coerced, or manipulated into committing that act by people in power that have an agenda...
Would that be too far fetched....? Or do you just see this as a cut and dry hate crime?[/QUOTE]
Uh no... these trolls was on some magical bullshyt, talking about the deaths never even happened, and that everybody from the victims to the news media were all actors.....
Don't get this twisted, this was and is still a "Hate" crime, but there is more hands with blood on them than some "lonely" so called deranged "kid"......believe this goes deeper than the cover story
Uh no... these trolls was on some magical bullshyt, talking about the deaths never even happened, and that everybody from the victims to the news media were all actors.....
"Singleton, 40, a magazine publisher, said it appeared that Roof’s original intent was to kill the church's minister, Reverend Clementa Pinckney."
They not telling yall this, the witnesses that survived are speaking out to their families about what really happened....plus the fact this devil immediately asked for Clementa when they let him in......
Remember in the other thread I said this: http://www.thecoli.com/threads/dyla...victims-also-update-new-judge-ordered.329538/
"this was a hit/assassination set up by law enforcement and white supremacists organizations behind the scenes to remove Senator Pinckney from the scene and as retaliation against the Black community for the recent rash of their "good ole boy club" being exposed over the recent year. Pinckney was the target and this was a message and execution, and sadly the brothers and sisters there with him were executed. This devil specifically asked for Pinckney according to the witnesses.....don't believe the agents running around, they always scurry around to keep negroes in check after an attack"...
Now fast forward to the other day, Myra Thompson who was one of the victims of the terror attack, her son and other family members of the victims were told by Polly Sheppard, who was one of the survivors that this devil tried to kill himself but had run out of bullets and that his main intent and target that night was Pinckney when he walked in, but one of the other victims Rev. Daniel Simmons tried to stop him, so he killed him and everybody else........Strangely this hasn't been told by CNN and the other news stations...
Another thing to note,as I watched the countless coverage of this terror attack, no one really questioned as to why they never really referred to Senator Pinckney as a "Senator", but many times he was just referred to as the "Reverend", other than a few times here and there.....also to note, why wasn't Charleston shut down after a "Senator" was just murdered, obviously because he was Black, his status is not of importance.....
They have the sheep believing this was some lone nut with mental issues, yet he was sent there to that specific church and time, which how did he know the Senator would be there at that particular time? Which is why he immediately asked for him
As I said Pinckney was very vocal about police brutality and was trying to push legislation and was the leading voice for police body cameras across amerikka, he also was the leading voice to make sure Michael Slager is rightfully convicted as a Murderer of Walter Scott, which would be the first time a Police Officer could be convicted of actual murder on the Job........
All of this ties into my thread I made weeks ago:
This is why they held out on calling him a racist or terrorist, they needed to let it marinate that he was a "mentally disturbed" "individual"........
Simply put the government and cop orgs wanted Pinckney out the way and they want to get Slager off next year, as well as a send a message to our community....it was a "proverbial" lynching, only with bullets in order to instill fear and obedience back in the Black community........
Don't let the peace and love narrative CNN and all these other devil news stations are showing to try to move you to forget and not bring fire to white supremacy ass....The cops are like the Gestapo were to nazi Germany, they are the enforcers of White supremacy, which is why they can't have their network unraveling and exposed as it has been over the past years.
*Edit: For those that don't think these white supremacists and police together didn't set this up, just listen to Clementa's speech about three months ago scolding SC and the crooked police and honoring Scott in the same speech......
Or how about this........
This shyt more sinister than you think...
Whatever nikka... None of my posts reflected that and you still tried to come at me with that hoe shyt...
@thekingsmen was proposing that and he had his info to back up his claims..... when you take this country's history into consideration with the info he posted, a rational man wouldn't dismiss it like yall did.........
And the sad part about it.... you lil nikkas still don't know what hate means.........
I always hated people who say that garbage. It's so disrespectful to the families of the victims.
Especially for the Sandy Hook shooting for the parents who lost their kids.
Dumb ass troll....the cac and your ass was saying that this shyt never even happened and we were all looking at actors........
Dumb ass c00n, did you not see the senators body lying in wake all day long.....You're not an agent, you're an idiot..........
The only problem with the story thats been told, is that the cacs not telling yall that they sent out a white supremacists to cover their tracks. Now watch the legislation for body cameras hit a snag and low and behold, look who they put right next to Michael Slager's cell block? Dylan Roof
This was an assassination of a Black leader by white supremacists right under our noses.....its a hate crime and a terrorist attack on black people all in one and at our most historic site..... but folks listening to c00ns like yall trying to tell them they watching actors and a script gets lost and confuse, because you only worried about if nikkas going to go rampage some whites, which they should do anyhow...................Anyways...I'm positive you c00ns rode the short bus early in life........
yeah man, all this shyt is staged, this is sandy hook pt 2... notice how in each shootings, the so called victim familes are given huges sums of money, I guess to presume new identities some where else.
just like they said, the bostom bomber speaks in court, and basically saying he did it and was sorry, BUT NO CAMERAS WERE ALLOWED IN COURT. find that quiet odd. far as I know, it was already pre written for him by someone else.
while we distracted by this fake shooting, and damn rebel flag, the TPP past... GAME SET MATCH.. GAME OVER!