I think I see what 50 saw in Chelsea Handler

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
We need that source b :whoo:
Chelsea Handler Talks About Sex With 50 Cent & Dumping Him Because Of Ciara!!!

On if 50 Cent was the First Black Guy She’s Dated

No, I dated black guys in high school and stuff. I’ve always had a little thing for black guys. I really don’t know what it is, but I think it runs in my family. My dad likes black women. I inherited the gene. Black guys are very, very masculine, and I really like that. That’s the aspect that I like. I like guys that are in charge.

On How She Was Pursued by 50 Cent
This is how it started, he was on my show. He was cute, and you know I flirt with all the cute guys on my show. And I thought he was just adorable. Then, he started sending me flowers but ridiculous amounts of like 50 white roses, and it was like laughable. I was like, “Get these out of my office! This is so embarrassing.” Then he started to call my office, and my assistant was like, “50 Cent is calling and I swear I think it is him.” And I’m like, “Oh, my God.” So I got on the phone, and he’s not like a grammatical genius :mjpls:and it’s kind of like silly. You should’ve seen some of the texts he used to send me. I’m like, “This is so stupid.” He said some silly line, but it was very cute and I was like, “He’s sweet. He’s not carrying a gun right now.”

I was going to Nashville I think to do a show; I was on tour for my last book. I said, “I’m going to Nashville.” He said, “I was in L.A, and I was trying to get a hold of you, but I’m in New York now.” I told him, “I’m going to Nashville this weekend,” and he said “Can I meet you there?” I was like, “Yeah, why not?” So he came to Nashville to my show. Then, we had sex. Then, he moved to L.A because he was tape recording so we kind of saw each other for a few of months.

We went out. We dated. We had sex. My friends all loved him. My friends fell in love with him. They we’re like, “This huge gangster guy is like the sweetest.” So we dated for a couple months. And this is the best part, he was going to come with my family, because I was going to Anguilla, to go to Christmas vacation, and I go someplace every year with some of my family. He had met my family in Newark–he would come to see a lot of shows, and he would come and meet me a lot of places.

On Why They Broke Up
It was so dumb. it’s almost embarrassing. I really can’t remember the exact the details, but I’ll tell you what I can remember. I think one of his ex-girlfriends was coming on my show and she’s one of those singers -I can’t remember her name. She’s really hot. He was dating her I guess previous to me.

Right before Anguilla, Ciara–that’s her name!–was coming on the show, and he called me to tell me something about her like she still calls him all the time, and she still tells him that she loves him or something. And I’m at my job, and I go “Curtis, honestly this is like eighth grade sh*t. Why are you telling me this? This girl is coming on the show tomorrow, and now I have to look at her and think you guys have some weird thing going on or had going on.” It was so juvenile. I’m at my work and I work my ass off all the time, and I have million different things and even though it’s not like important work, I am working hard. I’m doing sh*t. He said, “I want you to hear this conversation” and he was like calling someone like a 3-way phone call. I go, “So you’re telling me this girl wants to get back together with you, but she’s upset that you’re dating me, is that what you’re saying?” He’s like, “Yeah, so I just want you to know when she comes.”

I think I called him the worst thing you could say to a black person short of calling him the N-word. I said something like you’re like a street person basically. Something along the lines of being a gangster, and it was really, really offensive and I hung up and I’ve never spoken to him again.

Did he try to call you after that?
When I told my friends what I said they were like, “You will never hear from him. This is like a proud black man you basically tore apart and put to shame.” We were going to Anguilla. He had his ticket, and he was coming. I was going with my family and I kept saying, “I wonder if he’s going to just show up” and they’re like “No, Chelsea he’s not going to show up. He’s never going to speak to you again. You totally insulted him.” I don’t remember the term I used, but it was equivalent to saying you’re a street person.:gucci:

Did you say he was ghetto?
I said something like that. I said, “You have no business even talking to someone like me,” and it was very mean.
:picard:Obviously, he never showed up to Anguilla, which is actually better because he couldn’t swim, so I didn’t understand why he was coming in the first place.

When you went over his house there was a lot of black people and you were the only white girl?
Yeah, he was renting a house in Hollywood and I live in Los Angeles, so he was renting a house. He was doing an album. He’s very clean cut, and I don’t know if he was lying to me but he doesn’t do drugs, he doesn’t even drink alcohol, he doesn’t smoke pot, he doesn’t do anything I like. I thought that was refreshing, and I was like “Oh, that’s fun.” I smoke pot once in a while. But yeah I’d smoke around him, but he never wanted to. There’s always someone around me that’s got pot, so it’s not like that hard to come by.

He’s actually a lot different than you would think. He’s very sweet. He’s really sweet. He’s got this great big smile and his energy is just –he’s like a big black teddy bear and you just kind of want to jump on him

On having sex with 50
The sex was okay. It was just normal. It was fine. It wasn’t mind blowing … I’ve had much better sex with other people,:mjlol: but it was good.

On if she saw herself being in a long-term relationship with 50
First of all, I really try to avoid dating another celebrity because I feel like that world is just a mess. It’s just not real and it’s very hard to maintain a relationship when you’re married or get involved with another celebrity. It’s fun for a little hook-up, but it’s not ever going to be something serious … but I definitely didn’t have sex with 50 cent for attention.

He’s said nice things about me and I have nice things to say about him because I do think he’s a really nice guy and smart in a certain way. It was obviously not going to be a long-term relationship.


After she dumped him he was stalking her and saying he loved her. :wow:

'I love her out of control': Chelsea Handler's ex beau 50 Cent posts topless photo of his former flame on his Instagram account | Daily Mail Online

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Sounds like she's playing it up

The whole relationship was a publicity stunt
:yeshrug: Maybe it was. But all that extra shyt she said is not going to help 50. Only her. So why would he agree to a stunt like that. Not saying 50 is c00n. . But we see how he has treated black women in his life.:yeshrug: Why is she different?

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
Black men are extra masculine. White women are extra feminine. It's not hard to see why interracial couples begin.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
It's kinda sad to see women who base their value on being attractive start to age out of being attractive.

Sad part is how they try to hang in there and still try to show their azz past the expiration date