Wait till you see the Family Matter skit.
As someone that watched all season of this and Chappelle.
I think the only comparisons you can have with it is the same comparisons Chappelle had with Living Color or MadTV. Its a sketch show like many others.... after that thats it.
This had its own vibe. DC was great cuz DC is just a naturally funny dude but at the end of the day most of his skits were "DC over the top in a costume"
With K&P, both of these dudes were pretty good to really good actors and they could just get lost in the characters played and bring them to life.
And not trynna shyt one either and say one is better than the other.
But one style is in the line of say a Will Smith, Will Farrell, Denzel, Sam L, Tom Cruise and the other is in line of a J Depp, Tom Hardy, Leo DiCap, etc
If that makes since