Being a millionaire>>>knowing how to spell
or maybe not...
he deleted tweet.
i was sitting here like "through a varsity" "a varsity doesn't sound right" "what did he mean" "a-var-sit-y" ...I swear to God I had to read it out loud to understand it too. Lmfao. I'm here thinking it has something to do with Sergio garcia.
Obviously autocorrect typo wtf is the big deal
Or is the Coli on that "look at that dumb black athlete, he makes me feel smart!" tip?
Wtf are you talking UF is by far the best school in Florida.Everyone I knew in Orlando who wanted to attend there was dumb as a fukking doorknob. Simple jack you muh muh make me haaaappy type stupid. Just a bunch of fall down drunk party chicks and meatheads who couldn't spell UF if you spotted them the U
I find it funny spurrier would always make jokes about FSU in the 90s and their players, but acting florida players was all tim tebow and shyt and scholars
Ya'll see ya'll Bo' almost stepped in it by providing new-aunts ( I can't spell it right now) to the Amara situation.
Bascially; ppl who've never had to shower with ppl of the same sex let alone a homosexual (homophobic or not) have too much to say.
That was smart radio.
I was in the military, so, I had to shower with mad dude during basic. So, I could understand what it feels like.