I already did all the writing, but then put it away. Its not necessarily stream of consciousness, but because I'm not looking to make any profit out of this, my thought process was like "Let me just write, and let the rhymes fall where they may.".
I kinda got like a little time schedule mapped out and mostly just wanted to get through this, so I can move on to something more lyric-heavy (as I'm from NYC, so we're more used to that style), and this was not that.
I guess I should record something, at least to see how it sounds, but since my funds are kind of low right now, and this project was more like a purge, I'm wondering if I should just mess around and try to record on GarageBand or Audacity, or something similar, as I don't have a home studio or any experience recording.
A good mic can be purchased, but sound-proofing is unlikely, and I guess it might not matter as I said, this project, while it will be shared, was really just for me to "get it out".
Feel free to hit me up here or PM with any suggestions. Thanks.