No one in here watched the vid
. He didnt say that
OP had me waste 5 mins of my life listening to Bow Wow ramble about durags on a lie

This is a Zay thread, though. People should have known better but alasNo one in here watched the vid. He didnt say that
OP had me waste 5 mins of my life listening to Bow Wow ramble about durags on a lie
Cac alert.Are durags even selling like that? This isn’t 2006
What if it's Tony?Cac alert.
I'm pretty sure they patched it up already but I could be mistakenTrue...
But JD took a gamble with Bow Wow.
Think about it.
JD put his time and money into making him a star.
It breaks my heart to see my childhood heroes fall out.
Him and JD made that fun music that even your momma can bop to