How the fukk did yall let this thread turn into Roland Martin? God damn man yall just love playing into the hands of Republic00ns and their ridiculous false equivalence.
Being black and openly supporting the liberal, pro-civil rights party of your country is NOT some betrayal of the black community no matter how much yall let Republic00ns like Tariq Nasheed and his brainwashed ilk convince you it is. And it is NOT the equivalent of "c00ning" for an openly white supremacist movement, leader, and ideology.
Candace Owens is literally on the same side of the political spectrum as damn ethno-Christian fascist Neo-Nazis and Klansmen. She is literally a bought and paid for black mouth piece for their message and their movement. There isn't a thing that escapes her mouth that they would not endorse and repeat. She has done nothing for and completely disassociates from anything to do with the black community while going on her obnoxious higher-than-thou screeds about how brainwashed and horrible we are to a mostly white audience.
And somehow Roland Martin--a man who has built an enterprise focused on boasting black media, black political thought, and black journalism--is the equivalent of c00ndace Owens because he told you, rightfully so, to vote for Hillary Clinton?
Some of yall need to grow some damn balls, think critically for once, stop with this immature "my first pro-black movement" ignorance of our political system, and stop being manipulated by pro-Trump dumbasses playing the "both sides." I vote Democrat. If you vote pro-Trump c00nservative, fukk you. It don't take no courage to say that.
Being black and supporting the liberal party, candidate, and policy agenda of the country you live in doesn't make you a damn c00n and it definitely doesn't make you the "both sides" equivalent to a fukking white power apologist like Candace Owens. Stop with this nonsense. Straight up.