I Keep Hoping Larry Summers Is Wrong. What if He’s Not?

Feb 7, 2015
I doubt the bravado and false confidence is fooling anyone.

However your posting style does provide value, it allows progressives on this site to see the type of progressive engagement that turns the average person off.

But I'm curious how do you reconcile Porters charts and Stollers theory with the fact that most economist ( including leftwing Keynesians like Noah Smith, Paul Krugman, Brad DeLong, and Adam Ozimek) think it's nonsense?

The part in bold is quite the tell.

"People were mean to me online so I don't want what's best for everyone and would prefer we run a government and economy that relies on people to literally starve to death instead" - so called adult and very intelligent person in the room

Imagine being so up your own ass that you think not cursing is a sign of intelligence. How much do you actually know about some of the most intelligent people of our time? :heh:

We should just def ignore the numbers she was producing. Also, I've yet to see any of those guys respond to porters numbers. Remember, Katie Porter isn't some run-of-the-mill senator. She's worked in finance law and finance her entire career. So let's not act like she doesn't know what she's talking about here. Just because you're a bootlicker and only care about what's best for corporations and not people. fukking Libertarians

I'm not sure there's a group of people I have less respect for