
She really overstepping her bounds breh. Can't even think rationally.Kyra Phillips just said Kasim should have learned from 9/11 and Katrina about preparation. Said he "should be a man" and admit he screwed up.
Nah man... the city of Atlanta...just the city has more salt spreaders than that. And 40 plows. So it could be at least double that when you factor in the state's equipment.
Niccas gotta stop with the excuses and misinformation and just call a spade a spade. After the 2011 snow, niccas were still unprepared. Mainly the state. But you can't let the city entirely off the hook either.
This is a matter of accountability. Niccas gotta stop coppin' pleas.
nikkas really in here trying to hand out Ls when it's kids stranded on school buses overnight in freezing temperatures? You think I was handing out Ls when northerners were dying because the temperature got into the 90s? This is serious, fall back with the jokes for a second.
The state needs to be held accountable for this. These rednecks get elected to state government and it seems their MO is to try and shyt on the city as much as possible so them fukkwads down south will see it as them not giving in to the nikkas in the city. Do they not see that each and every one of those trucks stuck on the road has money attached to it. This city, one of the largest and most important in the country, is shut down because the governor and his cronies did nothing. And now they are pushing the mayor out there to try and be the face of the problem when he has no jurisdiction over these highways and state roads.
bu bu but we aint no it was gonna snow! our doppla radar was broked!
nikka please, yall cant drive and yall cant interpret data everyone across the globe had
nikkas slippin and sliding in a inch of snow cause they tryna be speed racer out there in conditions they know they ass already scared of
As a GA boy myself I shake my head in shame when my peoples call me to talk about "snow" storms. I've driven in Midwest, Korean and European snowstorms. That shyt down there ain't nothing
let a tornado or a hurricane hit the north/east and see how prepared yall are for something that rarely ever happens.
lmao at comparing a natural disaster to an inch of snow...let a tornado or a hurricane hit the north/east and see how prepared yall are for something that rarely ever happens.
lmao at comparing a natural disaster to an inch of snow...
...the south losses again
dawg...its like ONE day per year if that....