So after a couple weeks playing with this thing, not sure if I've ever owned a piece of gear quite as fun as this.
The FM radio is cool as hell. Just sampling the most random stuff then really freaking it with the effects and lfo's. Like that the snapshots save everything. Drum sampler isn't great for bass drums but love it for everything else. All the arps send MIDI Out (I'd buy a drink for whoever made that decision)!
A super cool trick I found that sounds like an old-school tape wind: in the sample synth, get something short and set it to play on a loop, put the portamento on max, then start it from like -1 octave, hold the low key down, and just keep going octave up to like octave +4, then back down again. Adding the Spring effect makes it sound even better.
I'm still not using the 4-track as much as I should (more been using it as a sound source with an MPC).
Yeah these are dope, hope they don't stop making them.
The FM radio is cool as hell. Just sampling the most random stuff then really freaking it with the effects and lfo's. Like that the snapshots save everything. Drum sampler isn't great for bass drums but love it for everything else. All the arps send MIDI Out (I'd buy a drink for whoever made that decision)!
A super cool trick I found that sounds like an old-school tape wind: in the sample synth, get something short and set it to play on a loop, put the portamento on max, then start it from like -1 octave, hold the low key down, and just keep going octave up to like octave +4, then back down again. Adding the Spring effect makes it sound even better.
I'm still not using the 4-track as much as I should (more been using it as a sound source with an MPC).
Yeah these are dope, hope they don't stop making them.