How do you know that the guy wasn't her father/stepfather/half brother/step brother/uncle?
You did all that for nothing.........
...though lightskin i don't think she was mulatto and the considering the age gap there is no way possible that cac could be any type of sibling of her..without further investigation i can't be certain on there relation but using common sense this looked like a pedo wood/sugar daddy and baby bed wench union
....i think i'm a fairly attractive guy and so do more than a few ladies around my way so hostile stance towards bedwenches and hookers(whom sleep with the enemy) is more similar to Malcolm,Khalid Mohommed,etc and is rooted in black nationalism...I also get annoyed by cave bytch loving Uncle Toms too..any blackman with pride in their race would feel/react the same way.
nah...i did it for the cause
publicly embarrassing and scolding wayward/lost sisters not only is a means to help them see the light/act right but it shows other impressionable young sisters whom bear witness to avoid the wench/ho life.
How do you know that the guy wasn't her stepfather/stepbrother/uncle/cousin/sister's boyfriend/the next door neighbor?
And how did being on the back of a motorcycle make her a "bedwench"?
No offense but I think that your tactics are counterproductive. There was nothing in that original exchange that would achieve the result which you were seeking. And do you do the same race-shaming to young black men who associate with non-black women to help them "see the light"?
blackfolk don't normally have cacs all in they fam like that ..why would i assume that to be the case in this instance? the honkey was old enough to be her grandpa so step brother is unlikely.. hypothetically speaking if her sister or mom was in a relationship with him it would explain her bed wench behavior but not exclude her from being a wench.
how many teenage black girls you know ride around with fat old cacs without sexual favors being exchanged
on the contrary my goal was to insult and let the lil Jezabel know what a dirty race traitor and cac cumrag she ..i feel i achieved that objective....normally not so much..unless they or there shedevil really do something to annoy me(which the same can be said of bedwenches) but I have made similar hostile stances toward some of Toms whom flaunt their relationship with their whitemale masters/ butt buddies a little to hard.
Not sure what part of the country you are in but I'm black and I have Whites, Asians and Hispanics in my family.
the South ..not sure what liberal definition you have of black but your fam is the exception not the rule.
Not in the West![]()
exaggerate much? most blacks in this country stay in the South
There are black populations all over the country. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Denver, San Diego, Chicago, New York, Detroit, Boston, etc. Please realize that your experience in the South does not represent that of ALL black Americans.
and irregardless of region most black in this country don't have cac,Asian or Hispanic,etc non black relatives...please realize your fam is an anomaly not the norm
In your experience....but not in mine. But perhaps we will just simply agree to disagree.
my experience is the reality for the average sound like a young,very naive and sheltered,,,do you live and grow up up in an predominately non black area?
Actually, no. I grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood in Los Angeles. I'm in my 30s, college educated and I have traveled throughout the United States and the world.