That was on creative and Vince
When you watch a movie and find something offensive do you blame the actor or the writer/director?
Jericho is really 6'8 i met him brother
You can only find a handful of people who would look believable in a match against Triple H
Ive said it before and I will say it again, wrestling was never the same to me when Benoit and Eddie Guerrero were made the champions
height doesn't = fighting ability
5 star thread
Size should matter in wrestling. Its one of my gripes with the modern product where cruiserweights can compete and even beat heavyweights. I dont buy it.
WCW were tremendous in that sense. Cruiserweights were not seen as a match for heavyweights. When a cruiserweight beat a heavyweight it was always a fluke win or through outside intereference.
every time i see Marko im baffled
Add in the fact that Jericho wears height elevators in his boots and yes, he, Benoit, Malenko, Angle and Guerrero were around the same height between 5'7-5'9.Don’t know why used that Inside the NBA studio pic as a point of reference
Kenny Smith is 6’3, Chuck is 6’5, Shaq is 7’0 and Ernie is 6’2..
All those dudes are tall, and 3 of them were NBA players lol
Really? I never watched WCW.
I guess now Kevin Nash's comments about Eddie and Benoit make sense.
WWE News: Chris Jericho Takes on Kevin Nash Via Twitter
A guy like Nash in real life would demolish an Eddie, Benoit, Jericho, etc. So I can see why he wouldn't respect the short guys going over