skyfall is good
Disagree. I don't get the Quantum of Solace hate.Casino Royale and Skyfall are very good.
The other 2 not so much, although they have some cool action scenes.
Craig's Bond is a lot more serious, which generally isn't my preference. Brosnan was my favorite although Connery had the best films. Moore's movies were fun in a cheesy way.
Which one does the coli suggest i should watch first?
is this bond even any good.
i'm interested in knowing your reasons for considering roger moore horrible
far as your premise, in terms of overall plot, from one angle, it's an interesting journey into Bond's relation with the women in his life (non-"bond girl"s)
casino royale = vesper lynd
quantum of solace = camille montes
skyfall = eve moneypenny
spectre = madeleine swann
love and loss, working through trauma, coming to terms with the different aspects of love, and trusting in the heart as much as is given to the brain and the gut
a 21st century character study of a 20th century icon
I've really gotten into watching the Moore Bonds recently. Sure, some aspects are pretty cheesy, but I like them as a look into what was considered stylish and sophisticated in the 1970's and 80's. And the stuntwork that went into these movies was insane. They really filmed fights on top of an airplane, or had someone jump from the Eifeltower. Nobody does this anymore.@JustDoTheWork I also got plenty issues with Roger Moore but I'm also of the belief that there truly is no "bad Bond" because everyone has their idea of the character and who he is and what he represents. One reason the Bond franchise is my favorite is because its so varied and has something for every taste. Even the Bond movies I don't like, which is most of the Moore ones lol, I will still watch and be entertained to a certain degree and would rather watch a Bond movie over most anything else
I've really gotten into watching the Moore Bonds recently. Sure, some aspects are pretty cheesy, but I like them as a look into what was considered stylish and sophisticated in the 1970's and 80's. And the stuntwork that went into these movies was insane. They really filmed fights on top of an airplane, or had someone jump from the Eifeltower. Nobody does this anymore.
Stopped reading after thisDisagree. I don't get the Quantum of Solace hate.
My ranking is as follows:
1. Casino Royale - best of the Craig Bonds and one of the best Bond movies overall. Pacing and structure are a bit of a problem towards the end, basically the movies continues for 45 minutes after it's climax and they are going a bit overboard with the lovey dovey stuff. Top 3 Bond movie overall. (1. In her Majesties Secret Service, 2. From Russia with Love, 3. Casino Royale)
2. Quantum of Solace - second best Craig Bond, gets a lot of hate because supposedly the action scenes are badly edited (I think people just got tired of the Jason Bourne type quick cuts) and the story supposedly made no sense (but somehow Skyfall gets celebrated, even though the Story is all over the place). Ties directly into Casino Royale and would have profited, if the "fourth act" after the climax would have been cut from CR and added to QoS. Better than every Brosnan or Roger Moore Bond. Probably on par with The Living Daylights as a harder edged Bond Spy thriller grounded in reality rather than gadgets and spectacle. Third or fourth best of the hard edged Bonds ( 1. From Russia with Love, 2. Casino Royale, 3./4. QoS and the Living Daylights. 5. For your Eyes only, 6. Dr. No., 7. License to Kill)
3. Skyfall - Hailed as the best of the Craig Bonds, but overrated in my opinion. Beautifully shot, especially the first two acts. However, story is all over the place and plotholes are enormous. Supposedly the deep Bomd movie, which finally examined the psyche and personal background of Bond and gave him character development, but they just alluded to a drinking problem and gave him mommy issues. CR was more subtle and still better in this regard. For some reason, they gave up on tying the Craig Bonds into one another by Bond chasing Quantum, which would turn out to be a problem when they wanted to mimick the Marvel cinematic universe in SPECTRE. Among the third Bond movies of an actor, it ranks lower than Goldfinger and the Spy who loved me, but it's better than The World is not enough. Forgettable movie with somw redeeming qualities, on par with Moonraker or You Only live twice.
4. SPECTRE - Third act is a complete clusterfukk, because they retroactively try to tie in all four of the Craig Bonds, even though they didn't bother to outline an overall plot for these movies. Pre title scene is great and the best thing about this film. Plot makes no sense whatsoever but the first half would make for an ok Bond, if they hadn't fukked it up so bad in the second half. Somehow, they try to go for both, the campiness of the Roger Moore era and the retro Connery thing of the early Craig era, which doesn't work out. Still, best of the clusterfukks (1. SPECTRE, 2. Diamonds are Forever, 3. A view to a kill, 4. Die anotjer Day).
This is why you’re my guyI loved Casino Royale and Skyfall. I talked about in one of the other Bond threads on how I thought Quantum of Solace was such an underrated Bond flick especially since that had the hardship of the Writer's Strike against it.
Brosnan Bonds aged like white woman Stopped reading after this