nikka, what MAJOR company had did more in their first 5 months of existence?
Ron Killings was the 34th NWA Champion and TNA didn't even have a major TV deal in America at that time he won the NWA World Championship in TNA. It was not a major company at the time.
And to this day, he's the only Black NWA Champion in history of a belt that's been around since 1948
And you think Ricochet & Bobby Lashley have main evented in WWE fairly often?
You must really not watch the program.
They got Ricochet losing clean to Riddikk Moss & Bobby Lashley's been stuck in the Rusev/Lana marriage bullshyt storyline.
Fact is, in less than HALF A YEAR, AEW has shown that they are willing to have champions of ALL RACES.
Black, Asian, Native American, etc. .
You're talking about the WWE, but the WWE didn't have any Black champions for the first 30 YEARS of the company.
If 50 years into AEW, the best they're doing is The New Day & Street Profits, then you'd be right.
And who cares how Brandi got her job?
Stephanie McMahon is only the WWE's CBO because she's Vince's daughter, but would you doubt that she's one of the most powerful women in not just wrestling, but entertainment itself?
It says a lot that you wanna diminish Brandi's role, while bigging up WWE who's whole front office is a product of nepotism.