Duck Season
When she said he had an abnormally large chest he was feeling himself, then she said they're man t*ts, ha was all

cutting easier than bulking tho

When she said he had an abnormally large chest he was feeling himself, then she said they're man t*ts, ha was all
how the hell do people eat over 4000cal, let alone 6000-7000
i must have missed something
That is one thai meal with the works or a chinese buffet + a candy bar.
My favorite chocolate and hazelnut bar from Trader Joes is 2300 calories
If you eat a couple of breakfast tacos in the morning, have a latte and a sub for lunch, and then eat out at Thai for dinner, you can surpass 4k calories easily.
Scott must've worked out at Supercuts.. Shoulders just got a lil too narrow.
That skinny lazy b*stard with the PAWG should be ashamed of himself. 12 weeks is too short to gain much tho, even newbie gains
he gained like 2-3 lbs, he had a trainer and a diet, he could added 10lbs.but instead he was repping that poor posture squad hard