"I guess it might be a gain for OnlyFans" msnbc reporter says if Lauren Boebert loses her sit ON LIVE TV MAGA MAD


Jul 25, 2018
The left always drops disses that hit way harder than conservatives.

They just don't really drop em that often...

Can you imagine if Joe Biden had the ego of trump... he would be dropping subliminals daily.

People don't understand that liberals don't hit hard like that because we honor our country. We leave the jokes and the childish insults at home to focus on what government is about. There are healthy ways to disagree with or even clown your opponents without watching our discourse devolve into school yard bullying.

But if it really came down to it, you best believe a party made up of some corny rural, suburban, generationally rich "well golly gee whiz" overcompensating conservative white people is NOT winning a game of the dozens against the party of middle class or poverty born blacks, latinos, women, city kids, young folks, activists, and sassy LGBT men and women.

Conservative white dude clap back game has barely matured past calling someone a "loser" or "bozo." Like Trumps bytch ass :heh:

"The squad" alone would bury any white boy tryna be slick.

Fox News can't go ten minutes without taking some corny cheap shot at the liberals. But compare an entire 24 hour broadcast cycle of Fox News to just a single 3 minute Daily Show segment and you already know which one is gonna hit harder.
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