i feel bad for your poor mother
i feel bad for your poor mother
I feel bad for other sports because they aren't baseball.
But I don't really give a fukk about ratings. If you won't watch it, it couldn't mean less to me
no i mean when you look at birthrates you see that most of the country will be elderly by 2050. old people dont buy sports apparel, attend games etc. the sports consumer base will be gone, which is a fact
If what you say ends up being true our cable bill will skyrocket. But the good thing is that you're wrong, people will always wanna see live sporting events. And lol @ sports apparel going down with old people. My Grandma buys 2 new Vikings hat every year , one for her and one for pops and and he refuses to wear it till they win. They aint the only ones that buy gear for the fukk of it
Thing is selig and the execs dont care about that breh. More ratings = more money for them. This is a problem to the big wigs and soon they move ball games to the afternoon. World series during rush hour getting outdrawn by maury? Thats lame no two ways around it.
all of what you just said is wrong. dont make me post the numbers and make you look like an idiot
FreedS[ohh]lave;1856344 said:Theyres too many channels and things to do nowadays nothing gets great ratings anymore except FOOTBALL it doesnt mean baseball is dying its still the 2nd most popular pro sport
You make it illegal for americans to gamble on pro football and then well see how the ratings are
The games are great and I'm watching. fukk else do I care about?
If Im wrong Im wrong. Not sure why you wouldn't just show the numbers?
The latest global demographic analysis, from a World Health Organization report issued earlier this year, paints the dimensions of that slow-motion catastrophe in quick strokes. An estimated 36 million people worldwide currently suffer from dementia; experts predict the number will double, to approximately 70 million, by 2030 and triple by 2050. (China, India, and Latin America in particular face daunting medico-economic crises.) Since the prevalence of the disease doubles with every five-year age increment after 65, projections for 2050 put the total global population at risk for dementia (people 65 or older) at two billion. The calculus is as grim as it is simple: as more people live longer, more slide into dementia. Care for those patients currently costs $100 billion a year in the United States, with a projected cost over the next 40 years of $20 trillion; by 2050, the cost to U.S. society is projected to be $1 trillion a year.
how are the games great?
-Awful offense
-No identifiable superstars
-Non-Sell Outs
-Games starting at 1pm (pacific)
-No Storylines
-No Minorities playing
it sucks breh.. last year was dope.. these playoffs are trash
Did I just get trolled?