I don't want to derail the thread because I co-sign the
Mashonda >>> Key's movement...
plus them pics you upped of Mashonda are fire
of course he would... because
1. Alicia Key is viewed as a dime piece by many.
2. That would be a like winning the lottery... You're a regular joe in the hood and somehow Alicia (who's worth millions) wants your ass?
You'd be a fool not to take this upgrade. At least marry her, divorce her, get half. shyt women been doing this for decades
Yeh but remember the game changes when a women with money go for a man with less money/status...
Yes men want the pretty girl, but there are other factors involved in a man decision to cheat...
In this case it could have been because of fantasia's status, money or cause of the simply fact that fantasia is some "new p*ssy".
Also looks are subjective... a chick that look like chris tucker to you is another mans dime piece... jus sayin'