Sierra Mist
I think the term hispanic has to be broken down... As hispanic is one who's mother language is spanish. So we got a variety of people speaking spanish, from europeans, africans, central americans, south americans and people from the caribbean.
Now I'm guessing if you're american a hispanic to you would most likely be a central, south or caribbean american... As the europeans spanish speakers will just be europeans and the africans, well just africans...
And if we narrow it down to you being the average american black man using the term hispanic to refer to someone, I assume you would most likely be referring to a caribbean (dominican, rican or cuban) or central american (Mexican as you have no idea there are other countries in central america)...
And if I narrow it down even further to the question you ask, I would assume you are somehow somewhat intelligent, since it'd be the only way for you to know if someone is intelligent or not.... If so, then you would understand that the real problem is that you either don't attract intelligent ''hispanic'' chicks or you can't seem to recognize the smart ones.... troll.
It's amazing that peopel still don't understand this shyt. anyway